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Secure and fast framework for implementing APIs in Ruby on top of EventMachine


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em-secure-api makes it easy to build REST / JSON APIs in Ruby that are secure, fast and reliable.

em-secure-api automatically validates requests for authenticity, completeness and uniqueness, checks client authorization and uses a simple routing configuration to connect the API to the implementation. With the security and wiring addressed, a developer can focus on building the functionality that makes the API useful.

And by building on EventMachine and the reactor pattern, API services built with em-secure-api can be made fast and scalable. Simply run multiple em-secure-api servers on separate ports and load balance with HAProxy, Nginx or Apache2.

Why em-secure-api?

There are already Ruby frameworks that can help you build APIs running on EventMachine. They leave a lot of the decisions about securing your service up to the developer, leading to a lot of extra work.

em-secure-api aims to take the API security decisions away from the developer, so that he or she can focus on implementation of the actual functionality, while ensuring the service is as secure as possible. If you want to virtually guarantee that you are only handling requests that are authentic and valid, then this lightweight framework strives to give you that.

The primary aims of em-secure-api are:

  • enforce access by registered clients only
  • ensure only valid requests are received, with request signing
  • prevent duplicate requests from being processed, using a one-time token ('nonce')
  • validate that the correct set of request parameters are provided
  • ensure that valid requests are not so old that they are invalid
  • attempt to secure configuration files to limit access to database credentials
  • provide flexible configurations (such as token timeouts) for individual actions

If you are looking just for simple, unsigned API processing, where you consider the internal network to be your primary measure of security, then em-secure-api may be more than you need (since it adds a little work on the admin and client development side).

If you need to implement secure services in a secure environment, potentially on cloud servers, em-secure-api aims provides some trusted security approaches with minimal coding effort.


This software is still in early beta. Many things could change and it may break. Please add any issues and I'll try and get to them fast.

If you'd like to contribute, please let me know. Any new ideas, tests, sample implementations, and tests would be much appreciated!


This is not a gem, just a simple set of source that rides the EventMachine. Get the source by download the package (or clone the Git repo locally).

cd to the directory then run

./scripts/ root

(replace root with your mySQL admin username if necessary)

To run the server in the background for testing:

eval "ruby lib/em_server.rb &"; empid=$!;

(hit return again for the command line)

To run your tests


To stop the server:

kill $empid

Calling with a client

A 'client' on em-secure-api can be a single server on a security conscious internal network, or an authorized API user externally. So let's start by viewing the service from the client point of view, and seeing how it prevents requests being tampered with, duplicated, or being so old they are now irrelevant.

To start, run a script to add a new client and shared secret to the database list of authorized clients.

scripts/ test_client-irb true

Returns this:

  • Shared Secret:20a6250f1dc3f9e56cbbf4576016e517a066092d759402e9fa79dc0c64c0adfd

Now try making some secure calls

# Get things set up 
require './lib/client/requester'    
server = 'http://localhost:5501'
client = 'test_client-irb'
secret = '20a6250f1dc3f9e56cbbf4576016e517a066092d759402e9fa79dc0c64c0adfd'

@requester = server, client, secret

# Now start making calls
params = {username: 'phil', password: 'hello phil', opt1: 'this'} 
action = 'action1'
controller = 'controller1'

@requester.make_request :get, params, action, controller    

# Note that action can be replaced with a path
path = '/contoller1/action1'
@requester.make_request :get, params, path
puts @requester.body, @requester.code, 

Try reusing the same request

# We'll use an option to force the timestamp we send, so it can be reused
options[:force_timestamp] = @requester.millisec_timestamp
@requester.make_request :get, params, path, nil, options
puts @requester.code == 200
#---> OK
@requester.make_request :get, params, path, nil, options
puts @requester.code != 200
#---> nope, not allowed

Recreate the request, but this time we'll "tamper" with a value

# adding a parameter in the url has the same effect as changing a param hash entry    
@requester.make_request :get, params, path + '?nope=bad'
puts @requester.code != 200
#---> not authorized

How about posting?

# A different set of parameters
params = {username: 'phil', password: 'hello phil', opt1: 'this', opt2: 'more', opt3: 'go for it'}
path = '/controller2/action1'
# Its as easy as changing the method symbol
@requester.make_request :post, params, path
puts @requester.code,
#---> OK and some different logic produces a JSON result in

And timeouts? How long before the request is considered too old to accept?

options[:force_timestamp] = @requester.millisec_timestamp - 1000000
@requester.make_request :post, params, path, nil, options
puts @requester.code, @requester.body
#---> Nope, too old

You should note that the timeout for the server can be set in the configuration, and defaults to 30 seconds.

The One-Time Secure Token

An API call (a GET has been used for clarity) looks like any standard call /controller1/action1?opt1=nnn&opt2=hhh

Parameters opt1 and opt2 represent your actual API parameters, which are configurable, and drive your business logic.

Rather than mangling the URL, we create a special 'X-Nonce' HTTP header for all requests, which handles the security, authenticity and uniqueness of requests. The Ruby @requester.make_request method creates them automatically and the server checks them automatically.

The code for the creation of the one-time secure token is easy to translate to other languages too.

NOTE: the option to use a URL parameter for the one time token is available. Set the constant CONFIG_USE_NONCE_PARAM = 'ottoken' and rather than checking the header, the URL parameter ottoken will be used instead. This is a Base64 encoded representation (final \n removed) of the standard token, allowing it to be cleanly passed in GET URLs.

Why? Maybe you want to provide browser-based access to resources, where the ottoken is generated on the server and has just a short lifespan. For example, we are using this to retrieve and unencrypt files stored on a cloud service, without getting in the main line of our Ruby on Rails app, taking load off everything.

Implementing your API

The server provides a simple routes hash that makes it easy to route and validate requests.

** Setup your routes and rules for required parameters **

def routes
    controller1: {
      __default_parameters: {username: :req, password: :req},
      action1_get: {params: {opt1: :req, opt2: :opt } },
      action2_post: {params: {opt1: :req, opt2: :req, password: :opt } },
    admin: {
      status_get: {params: {check_me: :opt} }

** Implement each route **

def admin_status_get
  if compare_result(params[:check_me])
    set_response status: Response::OK, content_type: Response::JSON, content: {} 
    throw :not_processed_request, status: Response::BAD_REQUEST, content_type: Response::TEXT, content: "I'm not so good" 

Routing requests

Looking at the sample implementation in lib/api_models/implementation.rb, you'll see a method named routes

def routes
    controller1: {
      __default_parameters: {username: :req, password: :req},
      action1_get: {params: {opt1: :req, opt2: :opt } },
      action2_get: {params: {opt1: :req, opt2: :req, password: :opt } },
      action3_get: {params: {opt1: :req, password: :exc } },
      actionmissing_get: {params: {opt1: :req, password: :exc } }      
    controller2: {
      action1_post: {params: {opt1: :req, opt2: :opt, opt3: :req } },
      action2_get: {params: {opt1: :req, opt2: :req } },      
      action3_get: {params: {} },
      action3_post: {}
    admin: {
      status_get: {}

Simply, this defines how requests are routed to the actual implementation. Using the example API above, you'll see the request path /controller1/action1 corresponds to the first hash key 'controller1' and within it, the key for an actual route, 'action1_get', since this is a GET request.

Within this action's route definition, we state the parameters that are expected to be passed with the request. These are merge with the __default_parameters to allow common default parameters to be defined once, then overridden for each action.

The options are:

  • :req = required
  • :opt = optional
  • :exc = exclude (ensure this is not provided)

The standard server implementation enforces these definitions (except for opt, which is currently really only to assist documentation).

If a request meets the required parameters, then it will call a method in the implementation with the name that matches the controller and route key: e.g. controller1_action1_get. Within this the developer can then call to any required business logic.

Implementing requests

The following snippet shows how an action implementation might look:

def controller1_action1_get
  opt1 = params[:opt1].upcase
  opt2 = "#{params[:opt2].upcase} has been forced to upper case" if params[:opt2]
  set_response  status: Response::OK , content_type: Response::JSON, content: {opt1: opt1, opt2: opt2} 

Implementations can return a standard HTTP response code (as constant or integer), content_type as Response::JSON or Response::TEXT, and appropriate matching content.

In order to simplify flow, you can throw a :not_processed_request, which will be caught by the server. For example:

throw :not_processed_request, {:status=>Response::NOT_FOUND, :content_type=>Response::TEXT ,:content=>"no such record"}

This will end the routed request processing, while allowing any cleanup logic to occur.

All responses, either thrown or set_response will automatically generate JSON from an appropriate Ruby structure if the content_type is set to Response::JSON.

Before and After

Each controller can optionally define a before and after handler, for a method (_get, _post).

For example:

def before_controller2_get
  if param[:username] != 'phil'
    throw :not_processed_request, {:status=>Response::NOT_FOUND, :content_type=>Response::TEXT ,:content=>"no such record"}

def after_controller2_get
  if param[:password] == 'not secret'
    set_response status: Response::BAD_REQUEST, content_type: Response::TEXT, content: 'This password is not secret.'

As you can see, you can use throw to prevent further processing, or you can set_response which for 'after_...' will override previous responses and for 'before_...' will set a default response which may be overridden by the actual route action, or the after.... Any throw will prevent additional processing of the request, and will immediately result is a return of the thrown hash, irrespective of previously set_response values.

Returning other content types

Perhaps you need to respond with a content type that is not text/plain or text/json. That's fine, just set_response with content_type: 'some/type' and format your content string appropriately.

The 'after_controller' handlers described above are a great place to do this if you need a consistent format for your responses after all the business logic has been done.

Securing the configuration

The configuration file is stored locally. Since it contains your database credentials, plus other possibly sensitive information, it is encrypted. The encryption key is stored in a memory-based file system (/dev/shm), available by default on many Linux installations.

The aim is that by keeping the key on temporary storage, it will be less simple for an unauthorized user who made it onto your server to find and compromise the data.

The key is then used only at server startup to unencrypt the configuration file. In the future, it is planned to only retrieve the key from an external key server, or through some kind of 'port knocking' system. The aim is to make the key as transient as possible, to make it as hard as possible for an unauthorized user to access the configuration and hence the database.

Create database, file structure, etc

The database provides storage for the list of registered clients, and for logging of requests so that one-time use can be enforced.

Current the service only supports mySQL. Contributions for other persistence are welcome!

./scripts/ root

(note: change root to your mysql administrative username if necessary)

When prompted, enter the password for your mySQL user.

NOTE: in the future this user should really only have READ access on the clients table, ensuring that the running API service can not add clients accidentally. A second administrative only user should be used on a separate database connection for administrative client add / remove tasks, who would have full read/write access. This user would not be used for any direct API access (or we would limit this

To setup the configuration file:

The initial installation creates a database and user with default password. If you change the username or password of this database user, you'll need to reconfigure the config.yml file.

Since the config is encrypted, use the following script to do it. Edit the following script for the log file directory to match and select the port to run the EM server. The database user name is gen_api and password ja89jh in the initial script.

Then run the command below, which creates and encrypts the config.

  ruby -r "./lib/helpers/config_manager.rb" -e "ConfigManager.create_database_config('utf8','mysql2',
     're_svc_records', # db name
     'gen_api', #db username
     'ja89jh',  #db password
     { directories: {
       log: './log' # log file location (relative to base directory, or full path)
     server: {
       port: 5501,  # port to run the server on
       request_timeout: {  # max time between timestamp and current time (in ms)
          __default: 30000,   # default for all requests
          controller1: {
            __default:10000,   # default for requests to controller1
            action3_get: 60000  # override controller default for action3 get request
          admin: {
            status_get: 5000 # override server default for status get request
     }  } )"

In previous versions of em_server the psuedo random key used to encrypt the configuration was stored into /dev/shm. Although this RAM storage might offer a a little security enhancement, the changes required to permissions to access this on distros like Ubuntu Server seemed to outweigh the benefits. Now, the config file key is placed in the more standard location /etc/em_server/. The location of this key can be changed by editing lib/initializers/config_manager_config.rb, so you can use '/dev/shm' or some other more obscure location (or presumably a network server) if you prefer.

Adding clients to the authorized list

The clients table in the database holds the authorized list of clients. Simple enough. But each has a shared secret that needs to be generated.

  • Add a client
    • checks and prevents an existing client being replaced, and therefore protects existing shared_secret
    • returns shared secret value

scripts/ clientname

  • Replace (or add) a client
    • will overwrite and existing client
    • returns shared secret value

scripts/ clientname true

  • Delete a client
    • note that the 'confirm' text is required after the clientname, otherwise the request is ignored.

scripts/ clientname confirm


A set of tests exercise the backend authorization functionality and gently probe a skeleton API implementation. The API implementation is, in lib/api_models/implementation.rb provides a few functions to get started, and is easily edited to plug in a real implementation.

To run the server in the foreground:

ruby lib/em_server.rb

To run the server in the background for testing:

eval "ruby lib/em_server.rb &"; empid=$!;

To stop the server:

kill $empid

The Rspec tests require a server to be running. It assumes it is on localhost. Run with:


Running multiple servers sharing the same configuration

Since you'll probably want to run multiple servers on different ports, all providing the same implementation and configuration file, just use the following argument when starting the server

ruby lib/em_server.rb --port=5555

replace the port with your preferred port number.

Note that when running multiple servers in the background using eval you'll need to track the process IDs yourself for killing the services.

Creating an EM server as a Linux Upstart service

The following script will setup a specific user (with the name of the service) for running the secure service. Note that you may have to also set the appropriate permissions on your log file directory to allow this to work.

sudo -i

adduser $SVC --system
usermod -a  -G re_services $SVC
chown --recursive $SVC:$SVCGRP $BASEDIR/$SVC
chmod --recursive 660 $BASEDIR/$SVC
chmod 550 $BASEDIR/$SVC/lib/
chmod 550 $BASEDIR/$SVC/scripts/*
cat > /etc/init/$SVC.conf <<EOF
    description     "EM Server"
    start on (starting network-interface
     or starting network-manager
     or starting networking)
    stop on runlevel [!2345]
    setuid $SVC
    exec $BASEDIR/$SVC/lib/

initctl reload-configuration


When you are ready, you can start and stop the service with:

sudo service em-secure-api start|stop|restart

License for em-secure-api

Copyright (c) 2013 Phil Ayres

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Secure and fast framework for implementing APIs in Ruby on top of EventMachine







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