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more progress on dot Util separation, see #4
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jonathanolson committed Feb 14, 2025
1 parent 10dd112 commit fed711b
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Showing 14 changed files with 514 additions and 214 deletions.
267 changes: 53 additions & 214 deletions js/Utils.js
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import Big from '../../sherpa/lib/big-6.2.1.js'; // eslint-disable-line phet/default-import-match-filename
import dot from './dot.js';
import { circleCenterFromPoints } from './util/circleCenterFromPoints.js';
import { clamp } from './util/clamp.js';
import { cubeRoot } from './util/cubeRoot.js';
import { gcd } from './util/gcd.js';
import { lcm } from './util/lcm.js';
import { lineLineIntersection } from './util/lineLineIntersection.js';
import { mod } from './util/mod.js';
import { moduloBetweenDown } from './util/moduloBetweenDown.js';
import { moduloBetweenUp } from './util/moduloBetweenUp.js';
import { pointInCircleFromPoints } from './util/pointInCircleFromPoints.js';
import { rangeExclusive } from './util/rangeExclusive.js';
import { rangeInclusive } from './util/rangeInclusive.js';
import { roundSymmetric } from './util/roundSymmetric.js';
import { solveCubicRootsReal } from './util/solveCubicRootsReal.js';
import { solveLinearRootsReal } from './util/solveLinearRootsReal.js';
import { solveQuadraticRootsReal } from './util/solveQuadraticRootsReal.js';
import { sphereRayIntersection } from './util/sphereRayIntersection.js';
import { toDegrees } from './util/toDegrees.js';
import { toRadians } from './util/toRadians.js';
import { triangleArea } from './util/triangleArea.js';
import { triangleAreaSigned } from './util/triangleAreaSigned.js';
import Vector2 from './Vector2.js';
import Vector3 from './Vector3.js';

// constants
const EPSILON = Number.MIN_VALUE;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,14 +154,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
* @returns {number}
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/mod.ts
mod( a, b ) {
if ( a / b % 1 === 0 ) {
return 0; // a is a multiple of b
else {
return a % b;
return mod( a, b );

Expand All @@ -160,9 +169,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
* @returns {number}
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/gcd.ts
gcd( a, b ) {
return Math.abs( b === 0 ? a : this.gcd( b, Utils.mod( a, b ) ) );
return gcd( a, b );

Expand All @@ -172,9 +183,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
* @returns {number} lcm, an integer
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/lcm.ts
lcm( a, b ) {
return roundSymmetric( Math.abs( a * b ) / Utils.gcd( a, b ) );
return lcm( a, b );

Expand All @@ -188,37 +201,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {Vector2} p3
* @param {Vector2} p4
* @returns {Vector2|null}
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/lineLineIntersection.ts
lineLineIntersection( p1, p2, p3, p4 ) {
const epsilon = 1e-10;

// If the endpoints are the same, they don't properly define a line
if ( p1.equalsEpsilon( p2, epsilon ) || p3.equalsEpsilon( p4, epsilon ) ) {
return null;

// Taken from an answer in
const x12 = p1.x - p2.x;
const x34 = p3.x - p4.x;
const y12 = p1.y - p2.y;
const y34 = p3.y - p4.y;

const denom = x12 * y34 - y12 * x34;

// If the denominator is 0, lines are parallel or coincident
if ( Math.abs( denom ) < epsilon ) {
return null;

// define intersection using determinants, see
const a = p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x;
const b = p3.x * p4.y - p3.y * p4.x;

return new Vector2(
( a * x34 - x12 * b ) / denom,
( a * y34 - y12 * b ) / denom
return lineLineIntersection( p1, p2, p3, p4 );

Expand All @@ -229,19 +216,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {Vector2} p2
* @param {Vector2} p3
* @returns {Vector2|null}
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/circleCenterFromPoints.ts
circleCenterFromPoints( p1, p2, p3 ) {
// TODO: Can we make scratch vectors here, avoiding the circular reference?

// midpoints between p1-p2 and p2-p3
const p12 = new Vector2( ( p1.x + p2.x ) / 2, ( p1.y + p2.y ) / 2 );
const p23 = new Vector2( ( p2.x + p3.x ) / 2, ( p2.y + p3.y ) / 2 );

// perpendicular points from the minpoints
const p12x = new Vector2( p12.x + ( p2.y - p1.y ), p12.y - ( p2.x - p1.x ) );
const p23x = new Vector2( p23.x + ( p3.y - p2.y ), p23.y - ( p3.x - p2.x ) );

return Utils.lineLineIntersection( p12, p12x, p23, p23x );
return circleCenterFromPoints( p1, p2, p3 );

Expand All @@ -258,23 +237,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {Vector2} p3
* @param {Vector2} p
* @returns {boolean}
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/pointInCircleFromPoints.ts
pointInCircleFromPoints( p1, p2, p3, p ) {
assert && assert( Utils.triangleAreaSigned( p1, p2, p3 ) > 0,
'Defined points should be in a counterclockwise order' );

const m00 = p1.x - p.x;
const m01 = p1.y - p.y;
const m02 = ( p1.x - p.x ) * ( p1.x - p.x ) + ( p1.y - p.y ) * ( p1.y - p.y );
const m10 = p2.x - p.x;
const m11 = p2.y - p.y;
const m12 = ( p2.x - p.x ) * ( p2.x - p.x ) + ( p2.y - p.y ) * ( p2.y - p.y );
const m20 = p3.x - p.x;
const m21 = p3.y - p.y;
const m22 = ( p3.x - p.x ) * ( p3.x - p.x ) + ( p3.y - p.y ) * ( p3.y - p.y );

const determinant = m00 * m11 * m22 + m01 * m12 * m20 + m02 * m10 * m21 - m02 * m11 * m20 - m01 * m10 * m22 - m00 * m12 * m21;
return determinant > 0;
return pointInCircleFromPoints( p1, p2, p3, p );

Expand All @@ -296,67 +263,12 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {Ray3} ray
* @param {number} epsilon
* @returns {Object}
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/sphereRayIntersection.ts
// assumes a sphere with the specified radius, centered at the origin
sphereRayIntersection( radius, ray, epsilon ) {
epsilon = epsilon === undefined ? 1e-5 : epsilon;

// center is the origin for now, but leaving in computations so that we can change that in the future. optimize away if needed
const center = new Vector3( 0, 0, 0 );

const rayDir = ray.direction;
const pos = ray.position;
const centerToRay = pos.minus( center );

// basically, we can use the quadratic equation to solve for both possible hit points (both +- roots are the hit points)
const tmp = centerToRay );
const centerToRayDistSq = centerToRay.magnitudeSquared;
const det = 4 * tmp * tmp - 4 * ( centerToRayDistSq - radius * radius );
if ( det < epsilon ) {
// ray misses sphere entirely
return null;

const base = center ) - pos );
const sqt = Math.sqrt( det ) / 2;

// the "first" entry point distance into the sphere. if we are inside the sphere, it is behind us
const ta = base - sqt;

// the "second" entry point distance
const tb = base + sqt;

if ( tb < epsilon ) {
// sphere is behind ray, so don't return an intersection
return null;

const hitPositionB = ray.pointAtDistance( tb );
const normalB = hitPositionB.minus( center ).normalized();

if ( ta < epsilon ) {
// we are inside the sphere
// in => out
return {
distance: tb,
hitPoint: hitPositionB,
normal: normalB.negated(),
fromOutside: false
else {
// two possible hits
const hitPositionA = ray.pointAtDistance( ta );
const normalA = hitPositionA.minus( center ).normalized();

// close hit, we have out => in
return {
distance: ta,
hitPoint: hitPositionA,
normal: normalA,
fromOutside: true
return sphereRayIntersection( radius, ray, epsilon );

Expand All @@ -367,19 +279,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {number} b
* @returns {Array.<number>|null} - The real roots of the equation, or null if all values are roots. If the root has
* a multiplicity larger than 1, it will be repeated that many times.
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/solveLinearRootsReal.ts
solveLinearRootsReal( a, b ) {
if ( a === 0 ) {
if ( b === 0 ) {
return null;
else {
return [];
else {
return [ -b / a ];
return solveLinearRootsReal( a, b );

Expand All @@ -392,26 +296,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {number} c
* @returns {Array.<number>|null} - The real roots of the equation, or null if all values are roots. If the root has
* a multiplicity larger than 1, it will be repeated that many times.
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/solveQuadraticRootsReal.ts
solveQuadraticRootsReal( a, b, c ) {
// Check for a degenerate case where we don't have a quadratic, or if the order of magnitude is such where the
// linear solution would be expected
const epsilon = 1E7;
if ( a === 0 || Math.abs( b / a ) > epsilon || Math.abs( c / a ) > epsilon ) {
return Utils.solveLinearRootsReal( b, c );

const discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if ( discriminant < 0 ) {
return [];
const sqrt = Math.sqrt( discriminant );
// TODO: how to handle if discriminant is 0? give unique root or double it?
// TODO: probably just use Complex for the future
return [
( -b - sqrt ) / ( 2 * a ),
( -b + sqrt ) / ( 2 * a )
return solveQuadraticRootsReal( a, b, c );

Expand All @@ -426,67 +315,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {number} [discriminantThreshold] - for determining whether we have a single real root
* @returns {Array.<number>|null} - The real roots of the equation, or null if all values are roots. If the root has
* a multiplicity larger than 1, it will be repeated that many times.
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/solveCubicRootsReal.ts
solveCubicRootsReal( a, b, c, d, discriminantThreshold = 1e-7 ) {

let roots;

// TODO: a Complex type!

// Check for a degenerate case where we don't have a cubic
if ( a === 0 ) {
roots = Utils.solveQuadraticRootsReal( b, c, d );
else {
//We need to test whether a is several orders of magnitude less than b, c, d
const epsilon = 1E7;

if ( a === 0 || Math.abs( b / a ) > epsilon || Math.abs( c / a ) > epsilon || Math.abs( d / a ) > epsilon ) {
roots = Utils.solveQuadraticRootsReal( b, c, d );
else {
if ( d === 0 || Math.abs( a / d ) > epsilon || Math.abs( b / d ) > epsilon || Math.abs( c / d ) > epsilon ) {
roots = [ 0 ].concat( Utils.solveQuadraticRootsReal( a, b, c ) );
else {
b /= a;
c /= a;
d /= a;

const q = ( 3.0 * c - ( b * b ) ) / 9;
const r = ( -( 27 * d ) + b * ( 9 * c - 2 * ( b * b ) ) ) / 54;
const discriminant = q * q * q + r * r;
const b3 = b / 3;

if ( discriminant > discriminantThreshold ) {
// a single real root
const dsqrt = Math.sqrt( discriminant );
roots = [ Utils.cubeRoot( r + dsqrt ) + Utils.cubeRoot( r - dsqrt ) - b3 ];
else if ( discriminant > -discriminantThreshold ) { // would truly be discriminant==0, but floating-point error
// contains a double root (but with three roots)
const rsqrt = Utils.cubeRoot( r );
const doubleRoot = -b3 - rsqrt;
roots = [ -b3 + 2 * rsqrt, doubleRoot, doubleRoot ];
else {
// all unique (three roots)
let qX = -q * q * q;
qX = Math.acos( r / Math.sqrt( qX ) );
const rr = 2 * Math.sqrt( -q );
roots = [
-b3 + rr * Math.cos( qX / 3 ),
-b3 + rr * Math.cos( ( qX + 2 * Math.PI ) / 3 ),
-b3 + rr * Math.cos( ( qX + 4 * Math.PI ) / 3 )

assert && roots && roots.forEach( root => assert( isFinite( root ), 'All returned solveCubicRootsReal roots should be finite' ) );

return roots;
solveCubicRootsReal( a, b, c, d, discriminantThreshold ) {
return solveCubicRootsReal( a, b, c, d, discriminantThreshold );

Expand All @@ -495,9 +328,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {number} x
* @returns {number}
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/cubeRoot.ts
cubeRoot( x ) {
return x >= 0 ? Math.pow( x, 1 / 3 ) : -Math.pow( -x, 1 / 3 );
return cubeRoot( x );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -724,9 +559,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {Vector2} b
* @param {Vector2} c
* @returns {number}
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/triangleArea.ts
triangleArea( a, b, c ) {
return Math.abs( Utils.triangleAreaSigned( a, b, c ) );
return triangleArea( a, b, c );

Expand All @@ -741,9 +578,11 @@ const Utils = {
* @param {Vector2} b
* @param {Vector2} c
* @returns {number}
* NOTE: this function is deprecated - please use the separate file function directly, js/util/triangleAreaSigned.ts
triangleAreaSigned( a, b, c ) {
return a.x * ( b.y - c.y ) + b.x * ( c.y - a.y ) + c.x * ( a.y - b.y );
return triangleAreaSigned( a, b, c );

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