Implementation of the command design pattern with the following objectives:
- Simple model of commands
- Ease reusability of commands accross multiple tools / framework
- Instance of commands can be modified (e.g., name, description, etc...)
- Pluging custom user-command made easy
Metacello new
repository: 'github://pharo-spec/Commander2/src';
baseline: 'Commander2';
Note: This example is now shipped with the Spec2 integration which is managed by Spec2 project. The code is thus no longer available in this repository.
package contains an example of Commander2 usage in the context of a Spec application.
The following code should be checked when learning how to use the framework:
and subclasses are the definition of commands required by the example application.CmContactBookPresenter class>>#buildCommandsGroupWith:forRoot:
This method is the entry point to describe commands available to your Spec presenter. One can learn how to build group of commands from this method.CmContactBookPresenter>>#initializeWidgets
This method shows how to inject a Spec'sMenuPresenter
built from a command group in your presenter.CmContactBookPresenter>>#initializeWindow:
This method shows how to bind the shortcuts defined by your command group to your Spec presenter.