A Pharo inspector extension to operate and view DataFrame multiple information in a same inspector view. Currently it displays:
- General informations about the dataframe
- Histograms about all numerical columns of the dataframe
- A scatter matrix of the DataFrame
A configurable limit is set by default to quickly visualize a DataFrame when we are in the inspector. To change the limit, for example to 50000, you can evaluate:
AISpDataFrameInspector maxRows: 50000
EpMonitor disableDuring: [
Metacello new
baseline: 'AIDataFrameInspector';
repository: 'github://pharo-ai/data-inspector/src';
load ]
baseline: 'AIDataFrameInspector'
with: [ spec repository: 'github://pharo-ai/data-inspector/src' ].
Just inspect any DataFrame and select the palette with "Data Inspector":
EpMonitor disableDuring: [
Metacello new
baseline: 'AIDatasets';
repository: 'github://pharo-ai/datasets';
load ].
AIDatasets loadIris inspect.
It is also possible to visualize the historigrams of a DataFrame or a DataSeries like this
iris := AIDatasets loadIris.
iris histograms.
(iris column: #'petal length (cm)') histogram.
You can specify the number of intervals to display like this:
iris histogramsBins: 50.
(iris column: #'petal length (cm)') histogramBins: 50.
The scatter matrix can be opened like this:
iris scatterMatrix