This is a simple REST API with node and express with mysql Database
- REST ful
- Basic API Authentication
- SQL Injection cleaning
- Easy to setup
##To setup a DB file first
db.port = 9686;
db.auth = false;
db.database = 'databaseName';
db.username = 'databaseUserName';
db.password = 'databasePassword';
db.table_prefix = '';
##Create a values in Table (POST)
Create a new entry in the table with the parameters that are posted.
POST http://localhost:9686/api/database_table
- If the row is created Successfully:
"success": 1,
"id": inserted_id
- If parameters are missing :
"success": 0,
"message": "Parameters missing"
##GET all values in Table (GET)
Read Entire Table.
GET http://localhost:9686/api/database_table
Read Table by Particular Inserted ID.
GET http://localhost:9686/api/database_table/<% -inserted_id- %>
- If data exsists :
"success": 1,
"data": "..."
- If data missing :
"success": 0,
"message": "No rows found"