Ansible with module docker_swarm_service for only one docker service ref
Ansible 2.8 (devel version) with module docker_stack and docker-compose.yml for docker stack ref
- Ansible 2.7
pip install ansible==2.7
- update hosts file with your <IP_DOCKER_MANAGER> and launch the following command :
ansible-playbook docker-traefik.yml -i hosts
- Ansible 2.8
pip install git+git://github.com/ansible/ansible.git@devel --upgrade
- update hosts file with your <IP_DOCKER_MANAGER> and launch the following command :
ansible-playbook docker-traefik-devel.yml -i hosts
Try to launch this following services :
docker service create \
--name whoami0 \
--label traefik.port=80 \
--network traefik-net \
and check if your dashboard look like this :
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This role was created in 15/10/2018 by PG3