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1.2 - Stable v2

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@pfink pfink released this 05 Dec 04:43

Minor Update

  • improved logging
  • Bugfix: type casting issues when using sample configuration

In case you upgrade, please ensure to apply these changes to your config.yml

Tested with the following set of pip packages:

certifi (2020.12.5)
chardet (4.0.0)
cryptography (1.7.1)
gatt (0.2.7)
idna (2.10)
keyring (10.1)
keyrings.alt (1.3)
nuimo (0.3.6)
pip (9.0.1)
pyasn1 (0.1.9)
pycrypto (2.6.1)
pygobject (3.22.0)
python-apt (1.1.0b5)
python-dateutil (2.8.1)
python-openhab (2.14.1)
pyxdg (0.25)
PyYAML (5.3.1)
requests (2.25.1)
SecretStorage (2.3.1)
setuptools (33.1.1)
six (1.15.0)
urllib3 (1.26.4)
wheel (0.29.0)