Makes the markdown editor look more like the final result.
- Requires the language-markdown package for markdown parsing.
Copy style.less to your atom user stylesheet. (Edit > Stylesheet...)
- Default settings were built with the city-lights-syntax theme.
- move-cursor-improved is recommended for making the cursor up/down work properly with non-monospace fonts.
Recommended Settings:
showIndentGuide: true # The indent guide is customizeable in the style config.
showInvisibles: true # These can be hidden in the style config
softTabs: false # Hard tabs work better with many markdown elements, like lists.
tabLength: 4 # The indent guide is set up for 4 width hard tabs by default
removeTrailingWhitespace: false # So two spaces at the end of lines are not removed
Configure the stylesheet with the variables and mixins at the top.
(click to view demo rendered by github)
Some markdown features are not supported by the markdown parser used.
bold italic, bold strikethrough
doubletab code blocks
Some markdown features are not supported by the markdown parser used.
***bold italic***, ~~**bold strikethrough**~~
doubletab code blocks
horizontal line titles