- Requirements: C++20, Eigen 3.4
- Documentation
- Compatible with: autodiff, boost::numeric::odeint, Ceres, ROS
- Written in an extensible functional programming style
In robotics it is often convenient to work in non-Euclidean manifolds. Lie groups are a class of manifolds that are easy to work with due to their symmetries, and that are also good models for many robotic systems. This header-only C++20 library facilitates leveraging Lie theory in robotics software, by enabling:
- Algebraic manipulation
- Automatic differentiation
- Interpolation (right figure shows a B-spline of order 5 on smooth::SO3, see
) - Numerical integration (left figure shows the solution of an ODE on
, see
) - Optimization
The following common Lie groups are implemented:
- smooth::SO2: two-dimensional rotations with complex number
memory representation
- smooth::SO3: three-dimensional rotations with quaternion
memory representation
- smooth::SE2: two-dimensional rigid motions
- smooth::SE3: three-dimensional rigid motions
- smooth::C1: complex numbers (excluding zero) under multiplication
- smooth::Galilei: the Galilean group. It includes SE_2(3) as a special case.
- smooth::SE_K_3: generalization of SE3 with multiple translations
- A smooth::Bundle type to treat Lie group products
as a single Lie group. The Bundle type also supports regular Eigen vectors as
- Lie group interfaces for Eigen vectors and builtin scalars
Clone the repository and install it
git clone https://github.com/pettni/smooth.git
cd smooth
mkdir build && cd build
# Specify a C++20-compatible compiler if your default does not support C++20.
# Build tests and/or examples as desired.
make -j8
sudo make install
Alternatively, if using ROS or ROS2 just clone smooth
into a
catkin/colcon workspace source folder and build the
workspace with a compiler that supports C++20. Example with colcon:
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-10
To utilize smooth
in your own project, include something along these lines in your CMakeLists.txt
add_executable(my_executable main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_executable smooth::smooth)
Check out the Documentation and the examples
// Also works with other types: SO2d, SE2d, SE3d, Bundle<SO3d, T3d> etc...
using Tangent = typename smooth::SO3d::Tangent;
// construct a random group element and a random tangent element
smooth::SO3d g = smooth::SO3d::Random();
Tangent a = Tangent::Random();
// lie group exponential
auto exp_a = smooth::SO3d::exp(a);
// lie group logarithm
auto g_log = g.log();
// lie algebra hat and vee maps
auto a_hat = smooth::SO3d::hat(a);
auto a_hat_vee = smooth::SO3d::vee(a_hat);
// group adjoint
auto Ad_g = g.Ad();
// lie algebra adjoint
auto ad_a = smooth::SO3d::ad(a);
// derivatives of the exponential map
auto dr_exp_v = smooth::SO3d::dr_exp(a); // right derivative
auto dl_exp_v = smooth::SO3d::dl_exp(a); // left derivative
auto dr_expinv_v = smooth::SO3d::dr_expinv(a); // inverse of right derivative
auto dl_expinv_v = smooth::SO3d::dl_expinv(a); // inverse of left derivative
// group action
Eigen::Vector3d v = Eigen::Vector3d::Random();
auto v_transformed = g * v;
// memory mapping using Eigen::Map
std::array<double, smooth::SO3d::RepSize> mem;
Eigen::Map<const smooth::SO3d> m_g(mem.data());
These C++20 concepts are implemented in concepts.hpp
: type for whichrplus
(geodesic addition) andrminus
(geodesic subtraction) are defined. Examples:- All
types std::vector<Manifold>
is a Manifold defined inmanifold_vector.hpp
---it facilitates e.g. optimization and differentiation w.r.t. a dynamic number ofManifold
sstd::variant<Manifold ...>
is a Manifold defined inmanifold_variant.hpp
. Usingstd::vector<std::variant<Manifold...>>
can be convenient when optimizing over variables with different parameterizations.
- All
: type for which Lie group operations (exp
, etc...) are defined. Examples:- All
types - Fixed-size Eigen vectors (e.g.
) - Dynamic-size Eigen vectors (e.g.
) - Built-in scalars (e.g.
- All
: type that implements the Lie group operations as class methods. Examples:smooth::SO3<float>
smooth::Bundle<NativeLieGroup | Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, N, 1> ...>
Both Manifold
and LieGroup
are defined via external type traits (traits::man
and traits::lie
) that can be specialized in order to define Manifold
or LieGroup
interfaces for third-party types.
Available for Manifold
types, see diff.hpp.
Supported techniques (see smooth::diff::Type):
- Numerical derivatives (default)
- Automatic differentiation using
(must #include <smooth/compat/autodiff.hpp>) - Automatic differentiation using Ceres 2.x (must #include <smooth/compat/ceres.hpp>)
#include <smooth/diff.hpp>
#include <smooth/so3.hpp>
auto f = []<typename T>(const smooth::SO3<T> & v1, const smooth::SO3<T> & v2) {
return (v1 * v2).log();
smooth::SO3d g1 = smooth::SO3d::Random();
smooth::SO3d g2 = smooth::SO3d::Random();
// differentiate f at (g1, g2) w.r.t. first argument
auto [fval1, J1] = smooth::diff::dr<1>(f, smooth::wrt(g1, g2), std::index_sequence<0>{});
// differentiate f at (g1, g2) w.r.t. second argument
auto [fval2, J2] = smooth::diff::dr<1>(f, smooth::wrt(g1, g2), std::index_sequence<1>{});
// differentiate f at (g1, g2) w.r.t. both arguments
auto [fval, J] = smooth::diff::dr<1>(f, smooth::wrt(g1, g2));
// Now J == [J1, J2]
Available for Manifold
types, see optim.hpp.
The minimize() function implements a Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region procedure to find a local minimum. All derivatives and computations are done in the tangent space as opposed to e.g. Ceres which uses derivatives w.r.t. the parameterization.
A sparse solver is implemented, but it is currently only available when analytical derivatives are provided.
#include <smooth/optim.hpp>
#include <smooth/so3.hpp>
smooth::SO3d g1 = smooth::SO3d::Random();
const smooth::SO3d g2 = smooth::SO3d::Random();
// function defining residual
auto f = [&g2]<typename T>(const smooth::SO3<T> & v1) {
return (v1 * g2.template cast<T>()).log();
// minimize || f ||^2 w.r.t. g1 (g1 is modified in-place)
smooth::minimize(f, smooth::wrt(g1));
// Now g1 == g2.inverse()
Available for LieGroup
types, see spline/spline.hpp.
These splines are piecewise defined via Bernstein polynomials and pass through the control points. See examples/spline_fit.cpp for usage.
Available for LieGroup
types, see spline/bspline.hpp.
The B-spline basis functions have local support, A B-spline generally does not pass through its control points. See examples/spline_fit.cpp and examples/bspline.cpp for usage.
Utility headers for interfacing with adjacent software are included.
- compat/autodiff.hpp: Use the autodiff library as a back-end for automatic differentiation
- compat/ceres.hpp: Local parameterization for Ceres on-manifold optimization, and use the Ceres automatic differentiation as a back-end
- compat/odeint.hpp: Numerical integration using
- compat/ros.hpp: Memory mapping of ROS/ROS2 message types
- smooth_feedback utilizes
for control and estimation on Lie groups.
Two projects that have served as inspiration for smooth
are manif
also has an accompanying paper that is a great practical introduction to
Lie theory---and Sophus
. Certain design decisions are different in
: derivatives are with respect to tangent elements as in manif
, but the tangent
types are Eigen vectors like in Sophus
. This library also includes the Bundle type which
facilitates control and estimation tasks, as well as utilities such as differentiation,
optimization, and splines. Finally smooth
is written in C++20 and leverages modern
features such as concepts and