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Open source tools for MELCOR on Linux


Readptf is a command line tool to extract data from MELCOR binary plot file. Output is ASCII data organised in columns. Command line options.

Tranptf is a command line tool for transformation of MELCOR binary plot files. It can merge several plot files together and filter out just selected data. Output is in the binary format (MELCOR plot file). Tranptf has one obligatory command line argument: name of a configuration-file.

Current version: readptf-180411.tar.gz. Distribution file contains Fortran sources and makefile.


Simple GUI for Readptf and Gnuplot, written in Python.

Current version: browseptf-170922.tar.gz. Distribution file contains Python3 sources.

Command line: plotfile

where plotfile is the file name of the MELCOR binary plot file. Default is MELPTF.

Note for use with X11

It can be recommended to switch off continuous screen redraw on window resize. This avoids multiple rereading of data when gnuplot window is resized.

E.g.: in xfce4: Settings Editor: xfwm4 box_resize=True


Tool for preparation of decay heat (DCH) and radionuclide (RN) sections of MELCOR input data. Supports MELCOR 1.8.6 and MELCOR 2.2 formats. Inventory of irradiated fuel sample should be prepared separately (using e.g.: SCALE code).

Calculation method: matrix exponential calculation using Padé approximation from SciPy.

Current version: melendf-170915.tar.gz. Distribution file contains Python3 sources. ENDF decay data downloaded from are included. Current version uses ENDF files directly and pickle data are no longer needed.

Command line: configfile

where configfile is a configuration file in following format.

Python&PyX tools

Set of tools written in Python3 using PyX library. Batch plot to single page figures in PDF format. These can be easily included into pdfLaTeX/pdfTeX documents. PdfTk is used to merge figures into single PDF file. It can be used to perform simple animation in the pdf viewer.

List of tools, configuration file format.

Note: these scripts contain direct call of UNIX commands.

Current version: meltoolspython-170905.tar.gz. Distribution file contains Python3 sources.


Few BASH scripts for MELCOR. Melbash.

Installation of packages

No installation procedure is provided. Each Python package consists of main executable script(s) in the package root directory and Python modules in subfolders. It is enough to copy the content of the package somewhere to system PATH. All the necessary Python3 modules should be installed, e.g.: SciPy, PyX, PyGObject, as well as used codes, e.g.: gnuplot, PDFtk.