- Add the following code to the .bashrc in the home directory
### My Aliases ###
# Github Token:
# Requirements: xsel
# echo -n: exclude the "\n"
proverbs5_3="Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."
alias ghp='echo $proverbs5_3; echo -n $github_password | xsel -b'
# Opens Current Directory in VSCode
# Requirements: VSCode
alias vsc0de='code .; exit'
# Get the Directories Sizes and Order them Descendingly
alias dir_sizes='du -skh * | sort -hr'
# Testing Parameters/Arguments
echoTest(){ echo $1 $2 $3; }
# Download YT Mp3:
downloadMp3(){ yt-dlp -x --audio-format mp3 $1; }
# Download YT Mp4:
downloadMp4(){ yt-dlp --format mp4 $1;
# Merge MP4 with New Mp3:
# Requirements: ffmpeg
mergeMp4Mp3(){ ffmpeg -i $1 -i $2 -map 0:v -map 1:a -c:v copy -shortest $3; }
# PDF to PNGs:
# Requirements: imagemagick, poppler-utils, pdftoppm
pdf2png(){ pdftoppm -png $1 png; }
- Re-run the .bashrc
Filename: .bashrc
To run: .
$ cd~
$ . .bashrc