phoneflood is a small rails application written to help EFA ( organise phone lobbying campaigns.
The basic idea is that an administrator sets up a 'Day of Action' specifying who to call, and then volunteers can sign up to call at a particular time slot during the day, so that calls are spaced out through the day.
See the cucumber feature files for a full description of phoneflood's features.
This is a fairly standard rails application.
You will need to specify your production host in config/environments/production.rb so that links in the emails work. ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host] = ""
You may also need to configure ActionMailer.
The application is administered via the rails console
>> DayOfAction.create!(:date => Date.civil(2010,1,28),
:recipient => "Kevin Rudd's Office",
:phone =>"(03) 9866 6789",
:subject => "the internet filter",
:scheduler =>,
:time_zone => "Canberra")
The schedule for the day of action will then be available at /days_of_action/#{}/registrations/new
The :time_zone parameter should one from the list displayed by rake time:zones:all
>> day_of_action = DayOfAction.find(2)
>> day_of_action.send_reminders
This will send a reminder email to all registered volunteers. This might hammer your mail server, so you might want to consider throttling it a little.