Simple scala application that calls the Alpha Vantage API ( to retrieve individual stock data. It extracts the json payload into a set of Scala case classes and calculates the average closing price of that stock.
- sbt 1.8.2 (for building)
- An APIKey from Alpha Vantage for use in the API calls
- Java 17 (if running locally) or Docker if running in a container
# Checkout code and build
git clone
cd stock-ticker-aggregator
sbt assembly
# Note: before building you can customize the properties in src/main/resources/application.conf
# symbol -> ticker symbol to use in the API
# price_field -> the price field to aggregation on. Valid values are close, open, high, low
# lookback_days -> number of days to calculate average
# api_key -> AVS api key if needed in the API call. Can set as env var
# endpoint -> The endpoint to call in the API. Currently this only works on the function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED endpoint
# If needed set API_KEY from AVS as an env variable:
java -jar target/stock-ticker-aggregator-0.1.0.jar
#NOTE: Substitute your APIKey in the docker build command below
docker build -t ticker-app --build-arg JAR_FILE=stock-ticker-aggregator-0.1.0.jar --build-arg APIKEY=<APIKEY> .
docker run --rm --name id-ticker-app ticker-app
If works correctly, you will see something to the effect of:
5 days average close price for GOOG is $90.51