Release notes - Pera - Android 5.13.0
PERA-987 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Findings
PERA-586 [Android] Implement Sender Flow
PERA-623 [Android] ARC-59 transfer between accounts
PERA-747 [Android] Cards - Mobile requirements
PERA-914 [Android] Homepage button behavior
PERA-931 [Android] ARC-78 New URI Schemes - Add Note
PERA-988 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Welcome Screens - Finding 1 - Buttons are not fully visible
PERA-989 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Country Selection - Finding 2 - UI issue in dark mode
PERA-990 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Account Selection - Finding 3 - UI Issue in dark mode
PERA-991 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Account Selection - Finding 4 - UI issue in dark mode
PERA-992 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Account Selection - Finding 5 - Accounts should be sorted by ALGO balance
PERA-995 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Creating Card - Finding 6 - Card not being created, Spinner keeps moving
PERA-996 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Connecting Account - Finding 7 - Trying to connect an account opens the Pera Connect Module
PERA-997 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Creating Card - Finding 8 - User is promoted to sign the same transaction over and over again
PERA-1067 [ARC59] - ANDROID - Transfer between account - Finding 3 - Displayed fees on the confirmation screen are not correct
PERA-1122 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Finding 10 - Trying to create Card results in error message
PERA-1123 [CARDS] - ANDROID - Finding 11 - Trying to activate account is not functional
PERA-546 [Android] Application displays a loader all the time
PERA-1025 [Cards] Android - Add `theme` search parameter to the URL
PERA-1031 [Parent Ticket] ARC-59 - Android
PERA-1083 [Cards] Android - Hide Pera Connect modal
PERA-1156 Android | create CMP app for wallet-sdk module testing
PERA-1165 Android | Add Pera Colors/Typography/Strings/Bottomsheet to common module
PERA-1188 Android | Add in compose Android and iOS tests