Codes for the the so-called AOSO-LogitBoost[3,4], which is an up-to-date (yet state-of-the-art, probably ) variant of LogitBoost[1] but focuses on multi-class classification. For binary classification, it reduces to the original LogitBoost[1] with the robust tree split gain criterion[2]. Onc e you decide that LogitBoost is suitable to your classification problem, just try this AOSO-LogitBoost which typically has lower classification error and faster convergence rate than original LogitBoost.
- C++ source codes, with interfaces in Matlab
- Multi threaded implementation (depending on tbb)
- Training speedup by subsampling instances/features (mature best-practice) is supported
Opencv (opencv_core only), and tbb for multi-threading.
- Compile the mex files. cd to
, runmake_xxx.m
to compile the correspondingxxx
Boosting algorithm.- Remember to modify or add new
m file so that the 3rd party libraries point to the right path. For example, in the first line ofmake_pAOSOLogitBoostV2.m
is called to set the path for OpenCV and TBB, check the contents and adapt them to your own machine. - The compiled mex files will be automatically copied to
directory. A win32 mex file is already there as the example. - If you've compiled OpenCV as dynamic linking, make sure the binaries are on your system path.
- Remember to modify or add new
- (Optional) Run
to add path. - Done! Run the scripts in
and play around!
The C++ codes are wrapped with Matlab class. Currently we provide the following classes:
- AOSOLogitBoost: Single threaded implementation of AOSO-LogitBoot.
- pAOSOLogitBoost: Multiple threaded implementation of AOSO-LogitBoost.
- pAOSOLogitBoostV2: Multiple threaded implementation of AOSO-LogitBoost, speedup by subsampling instances/features.
See the script files in directory ./matlab/run_script
for various examples. To begin with, here are some simple examples:
%% prepare train/test data.
% 3-class classification. Features are 2 dimensional.
% 6 training examples and 3 testing examples.
Xtr = [...
0.1, 0.2;
0.2, 0.3;
0.6, 0.3;
0.7, 0.2;
0.1, 0.4;
0.2, 0.6...
Xtr = Xtr';
Xtr = single(Xtr);
% Xtr should be 2X6, single
Ytr = [...
Ytr = Ytr';
Ytr = single(Ytr);
% Ytr should be 1X6,single
% K = 3 classes(0,1,2)
Xte = [...
0.1, 0.2;
0.6, 0.3;
0.2, 0.6...
Xte = Xte';
Xte = single(Xte);
Yte = [...
Yte = Yte';
Yte = single(Yte);
%% parameters
T = 2; % #iterations
v = 0.1; % shrinkage factor
J = 4; % #terminal nodes
nodesize = 1; % node size. 1 is suggested
catmask = uint8([0,0,0,0]); % all features are NOT categorical data
% Currently only numerical data are supported:)
%% train
hboost = AOSOLogitBoost(); % handle
hboost = train(hboost,...
'T', T,...
'v', v,...
%% predict
F = predict(hboost, Xte);
% The output F now is a #classes X #test-exmaples matrix.
% F(k,j) denotes the confidence to predict the k-th class for the j-th test example.
% Just pick the maximum component of F(:,j) as your prediction for the j-th test example.
%% error and error rate
[~,yy] = max(F);
yy = yy - 1; % index should be 0-base
err_rate = sum(yy~=Yte)/length(Yte)
Just replace the class AOSOLogitBoost
in previous example with pAOSOLogitBoost
, where the leading "p" stands for parallel. See the script files in Matlab/script_run
%% prepare train/testdata
% ...
% The same with pAOSOLogitBoost, codes omitted here
%% parameters
T = 2; % #iterations
v = 0.1; % shrinkage factor
J = 4; % #terminal nodes
nodesize = 1; % node size. 1 is suggested
catmask = uint8([0,0,0,0]); % all features are NOT categorical data
% Currently only numerical data are supported:)
wrs = 0.9; % subsampling instances accouting for 90% weights (denoted by N1)
rs = 0.4; % subsampling 40% instances (denoted by N2)
% min(N1,N2) instances will be used at each boosting iteration
rf = 0.6; % 60% features will be used at each tree node
%% train
hboost = pAOSOLogitBoostV2(); % handle
hboost = train(hboost,...
'T', T,...
'v', v,...
'wrs',wrs, 'rs',rs,...
%% predict and error rate
% codes omitted here
If you are interested in algorithm's details or concerning how much the improvement is, please refer to [3, 4].
[1] Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani. Additive logistic regression: a statistical view of boosting. Annals of Statistics 28(2), 2000. 337–407.
[2] Ping Li. Robust logitboost and adaptive base class (abc) logitboost, Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2010).
[3] Peng Sun, Mark D. Reid, Jie Zhou. AOSO-LogitBoos t: Adaptive One-Vs-One LogitBoost for Multi-Class Problems, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2012).
[4] Peng Sun, Mark D. Reid, Jie Zhou. "An Improved Multiclass LogitBoost Using Adaptive-One-vs-One", Machine Learning (MLJ), 2014, 97(3): 295-326.