This project was created for several purposes listed below
- Speed and low memory footprint
- Objectize existing PHP code into distictible objects
- Make easy integration into any project/codespace
- Make ORM Modular by allowing to exchange any part of it
class HttpChecks extends BaseYaml
function setUp()
$this->addColumn('hc_id', 'id', 'int', '11');
$this->addColumn('hc_domain', 'domain', 'string', '1000');
$this->addColumn('hc_servers', 'servers', 'array', '65536');
$this->addColumn('hc_scheme', 'scheme', 'string', '20');
$this->addColumn('hc_dns', 'dns', 'int', '1');
$this->addColumn('hc_certificate', 'certificate', 'int', '1');
$this->addColumn('hc_http', 'http', 'int', '1');
$this->addColumn('hc_http_ok_response', 'httpOkResponse', 'array', '65536');
$this->addColumn('hc_group', 'group', 'string', '20');
$this->addChild('\ORM\CheckResults', 'results', 'hc_id', 'hc_id');
$this->addChild('\ORM\Groups', 'groups', 'hc_group', 'g_id');
$gen = new \ORM\HttpChecks();
echo $gen->generatePHPDocEssential();
* @property int $id
* @property string $domain
* @property array $servers
* @property string $scheme
* @property int $dns
* @property int $certificate
* @property int $http
* @property array $httpOkResponse
* @property string $group
* @property \ORM\CheckResults[] $results
* @method \ORM\CheckResults|NULL getFirstResults()
* @property \ORM\Groups[] $groups
* @method \ORM\Groups|NULL getFirstGroups()
echo $gen->generatePHPDocFull();
* @property int $id
* @property string $domain
* @property array $servers
* @property string $scheme
* @property int $dns
* @property int $certificate
* @property int $http
* @property array $httpOkResponse
* @property string $group
* @property \ORM\CheckResults[] $results
* @method \ORM\CheckResults|NULL getFirstResults()
* @property \ORM\Groups[] $groups
* @method \ORM\Groups|NULL getFirstGroups()
* @method string id()
* @method string idFull()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\CInt getIdConfig()
* @method bool idIsChanged()
* @method string domain()
* @method string domainFull()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\CString getDomainConfig()
* @method bool domainIsChanged()
* @method string servers()
* @method string serversFull()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\CArray getServersConfig()
* @method bool serversIsChanged()
* @method string scheme()
* @method string schemeFull()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\CString getSchemeConfig()
* @method bool schemeIsChanged()
* @method string dns()
* @method string dnsFull()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\CInt getDnsConfig()
* @method bool dnsIsChanged()
* @method string certificate()
* @method string certificateFull()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\CInt getCertificateConfig()
* @method bool certificateIsChanged()
* @method string http()
* @method string httpFull()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\CInt getHttpConfig()
* @method bool httpIsChanged()
* @method string httpOkResponse()
* @method string httpOkResponseFull()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\CArray getHttpOkResponseConfig()
* @method bool httpOkResponseIsChanged()
* @method string group()
* @method string groupFull()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\CString getGroupConfig()
* @method bool groupIsChanged()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\Child getChildResultsConfig()
* @method \ObjectRelationMapper\ColumnType\Child getChildGroupsConfig()
* @method bool primaryKeyIsChanged()
ORMs by default are set only by extending base classes.
Every possible use case can be found in _tests folder, but to get you started
namespace ORM;
* Class Base
* @package ORM
abstract class Base extends \ObjectRelationMapper\ORM
protected function setORMStorages()
$this->configStorage = 'ObjectRelationMapper\ConfigStorage\Basic';
$connector = new \ObjectRelationMapper\Connector\PDO(new PDO('mysql:host=' . DB_HOST . ';dbname=' . DB_DB, DB_USER, DB_PASS, Array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true)));
$this->queryBuilder = new \ObjectRelationMapper\QueryBuilder\DB($connector);
namespace ORM\Service;
* @property int id
* @property string url
* @property int status
* @property string scheme
* @property int lastCheck
* @property int groupId
class Status extends \ORM\Base
function setUp()
$this->addColumn('ss_id', 'id', 'int', '11');
$this->addColumn('ss_url', 'url', 'string', '500');
$this->addColumn('ss_status', 'status', 'int', '1');
$this->addColumn('ss_scheme', 'scheme', 'string', '15');
$this->addColumn('ss_last_check', 'lastCheck', 'int', '12');
$this->addColumn('ssg_id', 'groupId', 'int', '10');
$this->addChild('\ORM\Service\Group', 'serviceGroup', 'ssg_id', 'ssg_id');
$this->addChild('\ORM\Service\Server', 'serviceServer', 'ss_id', 'ss_id');
namespace App\Search\Results;
class Domain extends \ObjectRelationMapper\Search\Search
* @var \ORM\Results\Domain
protected $orm;
public function __construct()
parent::__construct(new \ORM\Results\Domain());
* @param $id
* @return \ORM\Results\Domain[]
public function returnResultsDescWithChildrenLoaded($id)
$this->exact('domainId', $id);
$this->exact('finished', 1);
$this->addOrdering('created', self::ORDERING_DESCENDING);
$results = $this->getResults();
foreach($results as &$result){
return $results;
public function cleanupOldResults(int $timeToKeep): bool
$exec = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->orm->getConfigDbTable().' WHERE '.$this->orm->createdFull().' < :created';
$params[] = [':created', time() - $timeToKeep];
return $this->connector->runCustomExecQuery($exec, $params);
public function getLastXResponseTimes($id, $limit)
$http = new \ORM\Results\Domain\Server();
$query = '
SELECT '.$http->responseTime().', '.$http->server().' FROM
(SELECT '.$this->orm->createdFull().', '.$http->responseTimeFull().', '.$http->serverFull().' FROM '.$this->orm->getConfigDbTable().'
LEFT JOIN '.$http->getConfigDbTable().' ON '.$this->orm->idFull().' = '.$http->resultIdFull().'
WHERE '.$this->orm->domainIdFull().' = :hc_id AND '.$http->responseTimeFull().' IS NOT NULL
AND '.$this->orm->finishedFull().' = :finished
ORDER BY '.$this->orm->createdFull().' DESC
LIMIT 2000)
ORDER BY '.$this->orm->created().' ASC';
$params[] = [':hc_id', $id];
$params[] = [':finished', 1];
$return = [];
foreach ($this->connector->runCustomLoadQuery($query, $params) as $response){
if(array_key_exists($response['rds_server'], $return) && count($return[$response['rds_server']]) === $limit){
$return[$response['rds_server']][] = $response['rds_response_time'];
return $return;
public function getAverageResponseTime($id)
$http = new \ORM\Results\Domain\Server();
$query = '
SELECT AVG('.$http->responseTimeFull().') FROM '.$this->orm->getConfigDbTable().'
LEFT JOIN '.$http->getConfigDbTable().' ON '.$this->orm->idFull().' = '.$http->resultIdFull().'
WHERE '.$this->orm->domainIdFull().' = :hc_id AND '.$http->responseTimeFull().' IS NOT NULL
AND '.$this->orm->finishedFull().' = :finished';
$params[] = [':hc_id', $id];
$params[] = [':finished', 1];
return array_values($this->connector->runCustomLoadQuery($query, $params)[0])[0];
* @param $id
* @return array
public function getCountResponseStatus($id)
$http = new \ORM\Results\Domain\Server();
$query = '
SELECT COUNT('.$http->responseCodeFull().') AS count, '.$http->responseCodeFull().' FROM '.$this->orm->getConfigDbTable().'
LEFT JOIN '.$http->getConfigDbTable().' ON '.$this->orm->idFull().' = '.$http->resultIdFull().'
WHERE '.$this->orm->domainIdFull().' = :hc_id AND '.$http->responseTimeFull().' IS NOT NULL
AND '.$this->orm->finishedFull().' = :finished
GROUP BY '.$http->responseCodeFull();
$params[] = [':hc_id', $id];
$params[] = [':finished', 1];
return $this->connector->runCustomLoadQuery($query, $params);
$search = new \App\Search\Results\Domain();
$migration = new \ObjectRelationMapper\Migration\Builder();
$migration->addORMToWatch(new \ORM\Service\Status());
$migration->addORMToWatch(new \ORM\Graphite\Check());
$migration->addORMToWatch(new \ORM\Service\Server());
$migration->addORMToWatch(new \ORM\Service\Group());
$migration->addORMToWatch(new \ORM\Service\Contact());
$migration->addORMToWatch(new \ORM\Service\OfflineCase());
echo $migration->getDiff();