This depository use tensor rank decomposition to calculate the magnetization for a nonzero magnetic field of a certain 3d ising model using a generalized tensor renormalization group.
Classical Ising model on a 3d tensor network is considered. This package implements a infinate lattice iteration method to calculate the free energy and the magnitization.
These codes provide the support for paper
The codes are written in Matlab with depends on the Matlab tensor toolbox developed by Kolda etc, they need to be downloaded seperately in order for this package to work. A link of this pacakge can be found at
NCON developed by Vidal et al is needed and included. please cite their article when necessary.
Usage:mag(h); (h is th magnetic field that you want to evaluate your magnetization at).
This will calculate the magnetization as a function of the temperature at certain magnetic field h. h is set at 0.5(which can be modified in the file, h>0.5 recommended since this code blow up around the critical points.).