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Made it work without templating package.
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We had weak dependency on the templating package but if templating
package was not around things did not work.

Also preliminary support for server side rendering. See #5903
  • Loading branch information
mitar committed Dec 30, 2015
1 parent 9d574b0 commit 41924fe
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Showing 11 changed files with 262 additions and 106 deletions.
14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,18 +38,6 @@ Blaze._DOMRange::attach = (parentElement, nextNode, _isMove, _isReplace) ->

originalDOMRangeAttach.apply @, arguments

# We make Template.dynamic resolve to the component if component name is specified as a template name, and not
# to the non-component template which is probably used only for the content. We simply reuse Blaze._getTemplate.
# TODO: How to pass args?
# Maybe simply by using Spacebars nested expressions (
# Template.dynamic template="..." data=(args ...)? But this exposes the fact that args are passed as data context.
# Maybe we should simply override Template.dynamic and add "args" argument?
# TODO: This can be removed once is merged in.
# TODO: Move this to the server side as well.
Template.__dynamicWithDataContext.__helpers.set 'chooseTemplate', (name) ->
Blaze._getTemplate name, =>


EventHandler = Blaze._AttributeHandler.extend
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,8 +81,6 @@ Blaze._toText = (htmljs, parentView, textMode) ->
originalToText htmljs, parentView, textMode

share.inExpandAttributes = false

originalExpandAttributes = Blaze._expandAttributes
Blaze._expandAttributes = (attrs, parentView) ->
previousInExpandAttributes = share.inExpandAttributes
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions compatibility/attrs.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
/* This file is needed to backport this pull request:
It is a copy of attrs.js file with the changes from the above pull request merged in.
TODO: Remove this file eventually.
Expand Down
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions compatibility/dynamic.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<!-- This file is needed to backport this pull request:
It is a copy of dynamic.html with renamed template names.
TODO: Remove this file eventually.

<!-- Expects the data context to have a `template` property (the name of
the template to render) and an optional `data` property. If the `data`
property is not specified, then the parent data context will be used
instead. Uses the __dynamicWithDataContext template below to actually
render the template. -->
<template name="__dynamicBackport">
{{#if dataContextPresent}}
{{# __dynamicWithDataContext}}{{> Template.contentBlock}}{{/__dynamicWithDataContext}}
{{! if there was no explicit 'data' argument, use the parent context}}
{{# __dynamicWithDataContext template=template data=..}}{{> Template.contentBlock}}{{/__dynamicWithDataContext}}

<!-- Expects the data context to have a `template` property (the name of
the template to render) and a `data` property, which can be falsey. -->
<template name="__dynamicWithDataContextBackport">
{{#with chooseTemplate template}}
{{!-- The .. is evaluated inside {{#with ../data}} --}}
{{# .. ../data}}{{> Template.contentBlock}}{{/ ..}}
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions compatibility/dynamic.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
/* This file is needed to backport this pull request:
If it is a copy of dynamic.js file wrapped into a condition with renaming of backported templates.
TODO: Remove this file eventually.

if (!Blaze.Template.__dynamicWithDataContext) {
Blaze.Template.__dynamicWithDataContext = Blaze.Template.__dynamicWithDataContextBackport;
Blaze.Template.__dynamic = Blaze.Template.__dynamicBackport;

var Template = Blaze.Template;

* @isTemplate true
* @memberOf Template
* @function dynamic
* @summary Choose a template to include dynamically, by name.
* @locus Templates
* @param {String} template The name of the template to include.
* @param {Object} [data] Optional. The data context in which to include the
* template.

chooseTemplate: function (name) {
return Blaze._getTemplate(name, function () {
return Template.instance();

dataContextPresent: function () {
return _.has(this, "data");
checkContext: function () {
if (!_.has(this, "template")) {
throw new Error("Must specify name in the 'template' argument " +
"to {{> Template.dynamic}}.");

_.each(this, function (v, k) {
if (k !== "template" && k !== "data") {
throw new Error("Invalid argument to {{> Template.dynamic}}: " +
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions compatibility/lookup.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* This file backports Blaze lookup.js from Meteor 1.2 so that required
Blaze features to support Blaze Components are available also in
older Meteor versions.
/* This file backports Blaze lookup.js from Meteor 1.2 so that required Blaze features to support Blaze
Components are available also in older Meteor versions.
It is a copy of lookup.js file from Meteor 1.2 with lexical scope lookup commented out.
TODO: Remove this file eventually.
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions compatibility/materializer.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
/* This file is needed to backport this pull request:
It is a copy of the materializer.js file and is needed because it references symbols from attrs.js.
TODO: Remove this file eventually.
Expand Down
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions compatibility/templating.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
/* This file is needed to backport this pull request:
If it is a copy of templating.js file wrapped into a condition.
TODO: Remove this file eventually.

if (!Blaze.Template.__checkName) {
// Packages and apps add templates on to this object.

* @summary The class for defining templates
* @class
* @instanceName Template.myTemplate
Template = Blaze.Template;

var RESERVED_TEMPLATE_NAMES = "__proto__ name".split(" ");

// Check for duplicate template names and illegal names that won't work.
Template.__checkName = function (name) {
// Some names can't be used for Templates. These include:
// - Properties Blaze sets on the Template object.
// - Properties that some browsers don't let the code to set.
// These are specified in RESERVED_TEMPLATE_NAMES.
if (name in Template || _.contains(RESERVED_TEMPLATE_NAMES, name)) {
if ((Template[name] instanceof Template) && name !== "body")
throw new Error("There are multiple templates named '" + name + "'. Each template needs a unique name.");
throw new Error("This template name is reserved: " + name);

Template.__define__ = function (name, renderFunc) {
Template[name] = new Template("Template." + name, renderFunc);
// Exempt packages built pre-0.9.0 from warnings about using old
// helper syntax, because we can. It's not very useful to get a
// warning about someone else's code (like a package on Atmosphere),
// and this should at least put a bit of a dent in number of warnings
// that come from packages that haven't been updated lately.
Template[name]._NOWARN_OLDSTYLE_HELPERS = true;

// Define a template `Template.body` that renders its
// `contentRenderFuncs`. `<body>` tags (of which there may be
// multiple) will have their contents added to it.

* @summary The [template object](#templates_api) representing your `<body>`
* tag.
* @locus Client
Template.body = new Template('body', function () {
var view = this;
return, function (func) {
return func.apply(view);
Template.body.contentRenderFuncs = []; // array of Blaze.Views
Template.body.view = null;

Template.body.addContent = function (renderFunc) {

// This function does not use `this` and so it may be called
// as `Meteor.startup(Template.body.renderIntoDocument)`.
Template.body.renderToDocument = function () {
// Only do it once.
if (Template.body.view)

var view = Blaze.render(Template.body, document.body);
Template.body.view = view;

UI.body = Template.body;

// (<body> tags in packages built with 0.9.0)
Template.__body__ = Template.body;
Template.__body__.__contentParts = Template.body.contentViews;
Template.__body__.__instantiate = Template.body.renderToDocument;
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions compile-templates.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@

extensions: ['html'],
// TODO: Remove web arch only once server side support is in.
archMatching: 'web',
isTemplate: true
}, () => new CachingHtmlCompiler(
Expand Down
91 changes: 85 additions & 6 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ Blaze._getTemplateHelper = (template, name, templateInstance) ->


share.inExpandAttributes = false

bindComponent = (component, helper) ->
if _.isFunction helper
(args...) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ callTemplateBaseHooks = (component, hookName) ->


share.wrapViewAndTemplate = (currentView, f) ->
wrapViewAndTemplate = (currentView, f) ->
# For template content wrapped inside the block helper, we want to skip the block
# helper when searching for corresponding template. This means that Template.instance()
# will return the component's template, while BlazeComponent.currentComponent() will
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ addEvents = (view, component) ->
event = args[0]

currentView = Blaze.getView event.currentTarget
share.wrapViewAndTemplate currentView, ->
wrapViewAndTemplate currentView, ->
handler.apply component, args

# Make sure CoffeeScript does not return anything.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +301,83 @@ registerFirstCreatedHook = (template, onCreated) -> @
oldCreated?.call @

# We make Template.dynamic resolve to the component if component name is specified as a template name, and not
# to the non-component template which is probably used only for the content. We simply reuse Blaze._getTemplate.
# TODO: How to pass args?
# Maybe simply by using Spacebars nested expressions (
# Template.dynamic template="..." data=(args ...)? But this exposes the fact that args are passed as data context.
# Maybe we should simply override Template.dynamic and add "args" argument?
# TODO: This can be removed once is merged in.
Template.__dynamicWithDataContext.__helpers.set 'chooseTemplate', (name) ->
Blaze._getTemplate name, =>

argumentsConstructor = ->
# This class should never really be created.
assert false

# TODO: Find a way to pass arguments to the component without having to introduce one intermediary data context into the data context hierarchy.
# (In fact two data contexts, because we add one more when restoring the original one.)
Template.registerHelper 'args', ->
obj = {}
# We use custom constructor to know that it is not a real data context.
obj.constructor = argumentsConstructor
obj._arguments = arguments

share.EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX = /^on[A-Z]/

share.isEventHandler = (fun) ->
_.isFunction(fun) and fun.eventHandler

# When event handlers are provided directly as args they are not passed through
# Spacebars.event by the template compiler, so we have to do it ourselves.
originalFlattenAttributes = HTML.flattenAttributes
HTML.flattenAttributes = (attrs) ->
if attrs = originalFlattenAttributes attrs
for name, value of attrs when share.EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX.test name
# Already processed by Spacebars.event.
continue if share.isEventHandler value
continue if _.isArray(value) and _.some value, share.isEventHandler

# When event handlers are provided directly as args,
# we require them to be just event handlers.
if _.isArray value
attrs[name] = value, Spacebars.event
attrs[name] = Spacebars.event value


Spacebars.event = (eventHandler, args...) ->
throw new Error "Event handler not a function: #{eventHandler}" unless _.isFunction eventHandler

# Execute all arguments.
args = Spacebars.mustacheImpl ((xs...) -> xs), args...

fun = (event, eventArgs...) ->
currentView = Blaze.getView event.currentTarget
wrapViewAndTemplate currentView, ->
# We do not have to bind "this" because event handlers are resolved
# as template helpers and are already bound. We bind event handlers
# in dynamic attributes already as well.
eventHandler.apply null, [event].concat args, eventArgs

fun.eventHandler = true


# When converting the component to the static HTML, remove all event handlers.
originalVisitTag = HTML.ToHTMLVisitor::visitTag
HTML.ToHTMLVisitor::visitTag = (tag) ->
if attrs = tag.attrs
attrs = HTML.flattenAttributes attrs
for name of attrs when share.EVENT_HANDLER_REGEX.test name
delete attrs[name]
tag.attrs = attrs @, tag

class BlazeComponent extends BaseComponent
# TODO: Figure out how to do at the BaseComponent level?
@getComponentForElement: (domElement) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -473,10 +552,10 @@ class BlazeComponent extends BaseComponent
# were provided through "args" template helper, so we just continue normally.
data = null

if data?.constructor isnt share.argumentsConstructor
if data?.constructor isnt argumentsConstructor
# So that currentComponent in the constructor can return the component
# inside which this component has been constructed.
return share.wrapViewAndTemplate Blaze.currentView, =>
return wrapViewAndTemplate Blaze.currentView, =>
component = new componentClass()

return component.renderComponent parentComponent
Expand All @@ -500,7 +579,7 @@ class BlazeComponent extends BaseComponent
# See
reactiveArguments = new ComputedField ->
data = currentWith.dataVar.get()
assert.equal data?.constructor, share.argumentsConstructor
assert.equal data?.constructor, argumentsConstructor
Expand All @@ -514,7 +593,7 @@ class BlazeComponent extends BaseComponent
template = Blaze._withCurrentView Blaze.currentView.parentView.parentView, =>
# So that currentComponent in the constructor can return the component
# inside which this component has been constructed.
return share.wrapViewAndTemplate Blaze.currentView, =>
return wrapViewAndTemplate Blaze.currentView, =>
# Use arguments for the constructor.
component = new componentClass nonreactiveArguments...

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