Group members: Angela Xiang, Freeman Cheng, Christopher Jung, Ifaz, Austin Blackman, Tony He, Idris Tarwala, Hasti Toossi.
Pull from and open the project in Intellij. To run program first install the GSON library: in Intellij go to Project structure and install GSON library from Maven ( as well as the apache library (org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.9) also from maven.
To run the program, go to and run.
UML diagram is included as a PNG and as a UML file.
The program is an event creation system.
- Trial the system
- Create events but do not save
- View other's events but cannot interact with them
- Create an account
- Choose to be admin or regular user
- Log in to their account
- Log out of their account
- Create an event based on existing templates
- Change the privacy status of their event to private, public or friends only
- Delete their events
- Edit their event
- Attend events created and published by other users (and their own)
- Unattend events that they've attended
- View their own events
- View other user's published events
- Separated into ones they're attending and ones they are not
- Edit Account info
- Change their username
- Change their password
- Change their email
- Delete their account
- Change from regular user to admin
- View all other users in the system
- Friend/Unfriend each user
- Message any user
- Receive announcements from the admin
- Message admins
- At any point, type "back" to return to a previous menu or if they are on a menu, they can choose the go back option on the menu.
- Save everything/all data
- edit templates
- create new templates
- suspend/unsuspend users
- suspend/unsuspend events
- send announcements to all users
- see a shared inbox for admins
- make another user an admin
- All information is saved into files (now including menus) that is human-readable
- Files can be edited externally
- All read into the program automatically
Admin users have all the same permissions as a regular user plus they can edit template names
- They do not have to go back to a different "regular" account to do things
Trial users can only create events and view events, but they cannot attend or save their event
Events have custom fields that are determined by the template used to create it
Templates are abstract and new templates can be added from files (without changing the code)
Templates are a collection of fields. Each field can be specified independently and the number of fields is very flexible.
Events are created based on a template but once the event is created, it no longer depends on the template
When a user gets suspended, their events are automatically turned to private so other users can no longer see them.
Once a user is unsuspended, they will be able to manually edit the privacy status of their events to change it to what they desired.
We completely changed the way menus work in our system. Now they are no longer hard-coded and are read into the system from a file like all of our other entities.
The way we determine what users see in the menus has also been changed so now we have a more dynamic version and what users see can easily be changed through a file as well.