A reimplementation of a university project in zig. Implements a simple stack-based bytecode virtual machine.
This project was developed on Zig 0.8. Zig is a fast moving language, newer (and older) versions might not be able to compile it.
git clone https://github.com/pedromsilvapt/zig-stack-vm.git
cd zig-stack-vm
zig build
Optionally one can build the application in release mode to get better execution performance (at the expense of compilation speed).
zig build -Drelease-fast
The compiled application can be ran directly from the command line, and accepts one file path as an argument.
./zig-out/bin/stackvm ./examples/fib.ir
Aditionally one can also embed the virtual machine in a custom application easily. Just add the package path in your build file and require it like so.
const std = @import("std");
const svm = @import("stack-vm");
const Parser = svm.Parser;
const VirtualMachine = svm.VirtualMachine;
pub fn main () !void {
var general_purpose_allocator = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = general_purpose_allocator.deinit();
var allocator = &general_purpose_allocator.allocator;
const source =
\\ pushs "Type your name, please.\n"
\\ writes
\\ read
\\ pushs "Hello, "
\\ writes
\\ writes
\\ pushs "!\n"
\\ writes
var parser = try Parser.init(allocator, source);
defer parser.deinit();
var bytecode = try parser.parse();
// Takes ownership of the bytecode and is responsible for freeing it on deinit
var vm = VirtualMachine.init(allocator, bytecode);
defer vm.deinit();
try vm.execute();
This repository provides bindings to work with the StackVM from Python. The file
found in this repository should be copied to your project. Then edit the line there to point to your shared library built with Zig:
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("libstackvm.dll")
Below is a simple example of how to use the bindings.
from libstackvm import *
with open( "examples/fib.ir", 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
parser = Parser.init(content)
reader = parser.parse()
vm = VirtualMachine.init(reader)
while vm.stack:
val = vm.stack.pop()
print("Stack value", val.value)
print("-- POINTERS")
print("-- fp:", vm.registers.frame_pointer)
print("-- sp:", vm.registers.stack_pointer)
print("-- cp:", vm.registers.code_pointer)
print("-- gp:", vm.registers.global_pointer)
except BaseException as ex: