M-Embed is a MediumEditor extension to embed URL previews with Embedly's API in your contenteditable editor. Once embedded, you can choose between the multiple media (images, iframes) returned for the URL. M-Embed has been written using vanilla JavaScript, no additional frameworks are required.
Here is a demo (using predefined data—without making a request to Embedly, which would require an API key. Embedly has free and paid plans to access their API.)
Via npm:
Run in your console: npm install m-embed
**Manual installation:** Download and reference MediumEditor and M-Embed along with their stylesheets. No other dependencies are necessary. ``` <script src="js/medium-editor.min.js"></script> <script src="js/medium-editor-m-embed.min.js"></script> ```
Upon instantiation of the editor, instantiate the extension in the extensions
property, reference the button in the toolbar
> buttons
var editor = new MediumEditor('.editable', {
mEmbed : {
// options for m-embed
toolbar: {
buttons: [
// other toolbar buttons
extensions: {
// other MediumEditor extensions
mEmbed: new MEmbed()
The following options, and their defaults, are available to customize M-Embed. The options object is passed as a property named mEmbed
when you instantiate MediumEditor.
**Embedly options:**
- key Your Embedly API key. Default:
- fakeData For testing purposes, the API key requirement will be bypassed. Default:
- endpoint API endpoint (see Embedly). Default:
- secure http(s) (see Embedly). Default:
- query (see Embedly). Default:
- urlRe Additional regular expression to test the URL against, just before the XHR call. Default:
**Preview options:**
- allowMultiple Allow multiple embeds per editor. Default:
- displayErrors Display errors in the editor (they are also emitted through an event). Default:
- linkTarget The embed link target. Default:
- hideToolbarAfter Hide the toolbar after embedding. Default:
- deselectAfter Deselect the url after embedding. Default:
- thumbnailSize Images smaller than 300 will trigger a 'thumbnail' class on the main element. Default:
- thumbnailMini Size at which to add class 'mini' on the image div. Default:
- m-embed:error Request validation, xhr & general errors — { msg, error }
- m-embed:success Successful request — { response }
- m-embed:progress Request progress — { msg: percentage }
- m-embed:media Included media (picture, video), fired on render and on user choice — { media }
- m-embed:no-media User has removed media from preview
- m-embed:removed Embed has been removed entirely
**Subscribed to:**
- m-embed:cleanup Remove all non content clutter — pass in the editor element
- m-embed:revive Reapply the ui for an existing preview — pass in the editor element
- m-embed:swap Replace the media with another image — pass in { mime: '', url: '' } and the editor element