Work in progress.
This project is a space invader game that you can run on a Raspberry Pi (or on some other linux system), and use a BBC Micro:bit as a game controller. The Micro:bit should be attached to the Pi via USB.
You can use Mu editor to flash the python code in Microbit. Change into the MicroBit directory and create/activate a
virtualenv with python 3.6. Install all the requirements with
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can then run Mu editor with command mu-editor
. If you have any issues with the mu editor, please check
their website and github for help.
Copy and paste the file contents into Mu and then flash the code on to the microbit.
I suggest installing and running this in a virtualenv. Change into the RaspberryPi directory and create virtualenv with
python 3.6. Activate the venv and then install all the requirements with
pip install -r requirements.txt
For the serial communication to work, you need to have rights to read and write to the serial /dev/ttyACM0 (if the
microbit is using a different port, you should amend the code).
On Ubuntu 16.06, you can achieve this by adding yourself to the dialout group
sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
Note that you must logout and back in for the serial to work.
Make sure the microbit is connected via USB and has been flashed with the code in
Start the game by running python3
Tilt the microbit to move the player space ship left and right, and shoot with the B button. Careful not to run out of ammo!
Stop the game with Ctrl+C