I'm a Computer Science Student studying at Concordia University. As a kid I started off with JavaScript, in high school I built some open-source software add-ons and made a multiplatoform statistics tracking app for my robotics team over a weekend in Dart/Flutter. Since then I've become a PL nerd, and keep learning languages (though I'll always have a special place in my heart for Rust). I've slung Python code for the ICPC, written firmware in C for Future Electronics, developed an AI browser extension for ConUHacks, and have had a blast with it all.
Currently I'm focused on studies and my role as a Director of Technology for the Software Engineering and Computer Science Society at Concorda. But I'm also looking for a Summer 2025 internship, especially in Toronto or remote. As you might have guessed, I'm a pretty quick learner, and I'm confident I'll be a great member of your team (though to be sure, you should proably reach out and ask me).
- Right now I'm working on Arborly, a Typst package for generating syntax tree graphs. If you have linguistics or graph layouting experience, or just want to find out more, hit me up!
- To get in touch, you can reach me at my LinkedIn, or through any socials I or someone on my behalf has sent you.
Here are some of the languages and tools I use: