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Wouter Jonker edited this page Nov 18, 2024 · 3 revisions

Installation: CLI

To install the Pay. PHP SDK on the command line use the following command:

As long as this repository is not considered stable, use:

composer require paynl/php-sdk:@dev

Installation: Zipfile (coming)

Another way to install the SDK is by using the zipfile.

Download the zipfile that is included in the release itself. Then unzip the contents of the file and upload it to your server. In your project, require the file vendor/autoload.php.

After installation

After installation try a sample to see if all works well:

 cp vendor/paynl/php-sdk/samples/OrderCreateMinimal.php .

Edit the file OrderCreateMinimal.php and update:
vendor path.
username (AT-code).
password (API token)
serviceId (Sales location code).
Then run OrderCreateMinimal.php in your browser