✋ lazy emoji copy/paste → pax.github.io/emojibro
Where I learn how to set-up a simple PWA
record history to localStoragereplace copy function, ditch input select?refresh history on copy elementactivity: show only last 20 most usedand the last usedwhen searching reser select to 'all'- make bookmarks interactive
- size in history based on usage
- display last copied charcter on load
- display random character on first load
- delete favorites: all / element
- PWA – figure out service workers
- analytics? log interaction → most popular (list)
- search emoji
search in titlessearch in categories- add keyword field to emoji list
- fix list
- remove duplicates – add parent emoji? to
- group color versions of same emoji
- create UNICODE version
- add settings
- default color
- add common phrases
optimize for mobile - search and categories menus hidden- move to
- create permalinks
- add info page, explain emoji different looking on systems