Capitalised BASIC commmands wriiten in posix compatible shell scripts, suitible for use in shell environments, scripts and as extensions to BAS v2.4+
Place these in a folder in your $PATH. I put them in ~/bin (users home directory) for development purposes and link them all to /BASIC which is in my $PATH. They are eventually intended to be a standalone shell environment, hence /BASIC which has read and execute privaledges for all users. They come with some folders, including /BASIC/HELP too.
Some scripts may only work as expected in interactive mode in a shell.
A simple way to extend BAS-2.5 via the SHELL statement, and to proto-type extensions, like MSX-BASIC PSET & PRESET, APPLESOFT BASIC HCOLOR & HPLOT, Amstrad Locomotive BASIC PEN, PAPER & PLOT. To be further developed into C/C++ programs that do the same (mostly for speed and lower resource usage), or absorbed into BAS-2.5-pw when the infrastructure supports them (graphics, sound, etc).