This projects builds a lambda layer containing the plantuml jar file and OpenJDK JRE to run the jar file, as well as graphviz to generate additional diagram types.
It then creates a pyton lambda that uses the layer to run the plantuml jar file to generate SVG diagrams from PlantUML text.
The lambda is invoked via POST to Function URL with uml in body, and requires an API key to be passed in the header.
The lambda and its layer are built for arm64 to reduce cost.
The lambda is also uses AWS hosted Lambda Powertools layer.
Due to the memory required to run the java program, and to decrease execution time, the lambda is configured with 1024MB of memory.
Average time to return a diagram from warm lambda is 5 seconds and 9 seconds for cold.
The layer and the lambda are built using docker.
The makefile has all needed targets to build and deploy the solution using only aws cli.
Create a .env file in the project root with the following keys for your deployment:
- AWS_ACCT=You must specify your aws account number
- AWS_REGION=Defaults to "us-east-1"
- API_KEY=Any key you want to use to secure the lambda. Defaults to "WootWootWoot"
- LAMBDA_NAME=Defaults to "plantuml"
- PLANTUML_VERSION=Defaults to "1.2024.3"
Note you must assume aws creds in target AWS_ACCT before running any make targets
make deploy
make it-again
These targets will create or overwrite the test-diagram.svg file with the diagram generated by the lambda.
make post-lambda-url-png
make post-lambda-url
make post-lambda-url-c4
make post-lambda-url-aws
make post-lambda-url-icons
Note replace the lambda url with the one output from the:
make deploy
make get-lambda-url.
You must must also ensure the API key is correct. You can get the key with:
make get-lambda-env
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
-H 'X-API-Key: WootWootWoot' \
--data-binary @./test-diagram.puml > test-diagram.svg
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
-H 'X-API-Key: WootWootWoot' \
--data-binary @./test-diagram.puml > test-diagram.png
You can also use the web page to generate diagrams.
web/index.html allows you to specify your lambda url / api key and PUML diagram to generate the SVG.