WebCrawl ZAP into a Google Sheet with a dedicated User Interface:
Install a SSH Client Software, for example PortX (cross platform):
Enter in Terminal Session, more info.
Shell Scripts for Web App Deploy:
Paste in Terminal Session the following command
sudo vi /home/ubuntu/Algoz/Executables/Linux/algoz.run.service.sh
Exit VIM:
Esc + : + w + q + ↵ Enter
Systemctl Service of Web App:
Edit Service:
Paste in Terminal Session the following command
sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/algoz.service
Exit VIM:
Esc + : + w + q + ↵ Enter
Save Service Edition:
Paste in Terminal Session the following command
sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart algoz.service
Service Status:
Paste in Terminal Session the following command
systemctl status algoz.service
Enter in File Session, more info.
Go to this path:
Enter in Terminal Session, more info.
Paste in Terminal Session the following command
bash ~/Algoz/Executables/Linux/algoz.gapi.install.sh
Follow the steps in Google APIs Authorization
Go to CMD (command prompt):
- ⊞ Win + R
- Search:
- Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + ↵ Enter
Copy-Paste the following comands:
powershell -command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pauloavila88/algoz/main/Executables/Windows/algoz.install.bat -OutFile ~\algoz_installer.bat" %UserProfile%\algoz_installer.bat && del %UserProfile%\algoz_installer.bat
Take a loot at Google APIs Authorization
Go to CMD (command prompt):
- Ctrl + Alt + T
Copy-Paste the following comands:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pauloavila88/algoz/main/Executables/Linux/algoz.install.sh -O ~/algoz_installer.sh bash ~/algoz_installer.sh && rm -r ~/algoz_installer.sh
Take a loot at Google APIs Authorization
Go to CMD (command prompt):
- ⊞ Win + R
- Search:
- Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + ↵ Enter
Copy-Paste the following comands:
Go to CMD (command prompt):
- Ctrl + Alt + T
Copy-Paste the following comands:
bash ~/Algoz/Executables/Linux/algoz.run.sh
Go to CMD (command prompt):
- ⊞ Win + R
- Search:
- Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + ↵ Enter
Copy-Paste the following comands: