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dbt Code Generation Workflow

Automation scripts to accelerate dbt development, namely using code generation scripts to:

  1. Automate the dbt project setup process, designing the project to follow dbt's recommended project structure.
  2. Automate the creation of the dbt _sources.yml resource property file for a given data source.
  3. Generate (dbt) SQL files in bulk either as: snapshots tables or incremental loads.
  4. Use dbt pre-commit packages to ensure dbt standards and naming conventions are upheld (see dbt-gloss in .pre-commit-config.yaml).

Doing this ensures that new dbt projects implement best practices from the off and removes much of the manual heavy lifting of dbt projects. See example_generated_dbt_project as an example dbt project generated using these scripts.

Note, re: steps 2 and 3 - there's also a routine to add new data sources to an existing dbt project. For more details, see the section below 'How to Add a New Data Source'.


  1. Goal
  2. How to Run
  3. How to Add a New Data Source
  4. Dagrules
  5. Implementation Details

1. Goal

The goal of these scripts is to accelerate dbt development through the use of code generation scripts. These scripts look to:

Automate the dbt Project Setup Process

As well as automating the dbt project setup, the project is designed to follow dbt's recommended project structure and implement best practices. Expand the menu below for more details.

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  • See initialise_dbt_project in the Makefile.

  • The target initialise_dbt_project automates the dbt project setup process by:

    • Populating the dbt_project.yml and profiles.yml files & verifying the connectivity.
    • Providing a template packages.yml to bundle the install of best-practice dbt packages, e.g.:
      • dbt_utils
      • dbt_expectations
      • dbt-codegen
      • dbt-project-evaluator
    • Include additional (generic) dbt source tests, e.g.:
      • raw_table_existence
      • is_table_empty
    • Include additional dbt macros, e.g.:
      • limit_row_count - custom macro to limit row counts when in lower (e.g., dev) environments
      • generate_schema_name - commonly revised dbt macro
      • grant_select_on_schemas - dbt-recommended macro to grant access to all tables in a schema
      • And recreate the target dbt project structure recommended by dbt, as shown below:
Click to show target dbt project structure
├── analysis
├── data
├── docs
│   └──
├── macros
│   ├── _macros.yml
│   ├── generate_schema_name.sql
│   └── grant_select_on_schemas.sql
├── models
│   ├── intermediate
│   │   ├── _int_<entity>__<verb>.yml.j2 # just a placeholder
│   │   └── example_cte.sql.j2 # placeholder
│   ├── marts
│   │   ├── _models.yml.j2 # placeholder
│   │   └── dim_customer.sql.j2 # placeholder
│   ├── staging
│   │   ├── ${DBT_PROJECT_NAME}
│   │   │   ├── ${DBT_PROJECT_NAME}
│   │   │   ├── ${DBT_PROJECT_NAME}__models.yml
│   │   │   ├── ${DBT_PROJECT_NAME}__sources.yml
│   │   │   ├── base (TBC)
│   │   │   │   ├── base_${DBT_PROJECT_NAME}__customers.sql
│   │   │   │   └── base_${DBT_PROJECT_NAME}__deleted_customers.sql
│   │   │   ├── ${DBT_PROJECT_NAME}__customer.sql
│   └── utilities
│       └── all_dates.sql
├── snapshots
│   └── ${DATA_SRC}
│       └── ${DATA_SRC_SRC_TABLE}_snapshot.sql
├── tests
│   └── generic
│       └── sources
│            ├── existence
│            |   └── raw_table_existence.sql
│            └── row_count
│                └── is_table_empty.sql
├── dbt_project.yml
└── packages.yml

Automate the creation of the dbt _sources.yml resource property file for a given data source

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  • See gen_source_properties_file in the Makefile.
  • This step automates the creation of the dbt source properties file (i.e., _sources.yml) for each data source, using the python script py/
  • A key prerequisite for this step is for the user to supply data dictionary type input file, to indicate (per table) at a field-level:
    • The field description
    • and flags to indicate whether the following 'generic' dbt test should be applied to the field:
      • Unique
      • Not null
      • Accepted values
      • Relationship constraints

Generate (dbt) sql files in bulk that use the snapshot and incremental patterns

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  • See gen_dbt_sql_objs in the Makefile.
  • This steps automates the creation of (dbt) SQL files in bulk (either as: snapshot or incremental [load] SQL files) using Jinja templates. It does this using the python script py/
  • As with step 2 'Generate the dbt 'source properties' file', a key prerequisite for this step is for the user to supply a data-dictionary type input file (this time at the data source-level), to indicate per source table what the:
    • Primary key is
    • and what the 'last_updated_field' is per table

2. How to Run

Before you do anything, ensure you install and setup pre-commit by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pre-commit install


  • Ensure you provide values for each of the keys in ip/config.yaml.
    • For a description breakdown of each of the input args, see ip/
  • Review the input args used for the data dictionary field mapping args,


  1. Update the input parameters within ip/config.yaml.

  2. Upload an input data dictionary to the ip/ folder and (if required) review the value of the data dictionary key within ip/data_dic_field_mapping_config.yaml.

  3. Install the prerequisites libraries by running: make deps.

  4. Run make install to:

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3. How to Add a New Data Source

If you've previously ran make install to generate the template dbt project, you can then do the following to add a new data source to your dbt project (click menu to expand):

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  1. Update the data_src parameter within ip/config.yaml (underneath general_params) to reflect the data source you want to add.
  2. Upload an input data dictionary to the ip folder and ensure it matches the value of the data dictionary key within ip/data_dic_field_mapping_config.yaml accordingly.
  3. Run make add_data_source to:
  • Generate a dbt resource properties file (_sources.yml) using data from an input data dictionaries/metadata.
  • Generate (dbt) SQL files in bulk either as: snapshots tables or incremental loads.
  • and import both of these into the previously generated dbt project.

4. Dagrules

The python package dagrules in installed as part of the build script. To use it, enter dagrules --check.

To see what checks are performed by dagrules, check out templates/dagrules.yml.

5. Implementation Details

See docs/