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Social security Disability case study

Load in the libraries that we'll need

pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lubridate, stringr)

loading the dataset

social_security <- read_csv("ssadisability.csv")

glimpse(social_security) view(social_security) attach(social_security)

this data seems so wide so we can make it longer so we get a single data in each row

social_security_longer <- pivot_longer(social_security, !Fiscal_Year, names_to = "month", values_to = "applications") view(social_security_longer)

Formatting the dates, we look at the unique values of the months


this seems like there is a problem here as the internet application and the

normal application are all combined together, we need to separate them

social_security_longer <- social_security_longer %>% separate(month, c("month", "application_method"), sep = "_") view(social_security_longer)

we now have to look at the unique variables in the month


you realised that "May" "June" "July" and "August" are written in full and this

might cause a problem so we have to extract only the first three letter of all the


social_security_longer <- social_security_longer %>% mutate(month = substr(month, start = 1, stop = 3)) view(social_security_longer)

Lets also have a look at the unique values of the fiscal years


this looks likes the years are not in the standard formats so we will have to replace

all the FYs with 20

social_security_longer <-social_security_longer %>% mutate(Fiscal_Year = str_replace(Fiscal_Year, pattern = "FY", replacement = "20")) view(social_security_longer)

Because the month and year are in a separate forms, we can combine them to be in

in a single from using the paste function

social_security_longer$date <- dmy(paste('01', social_security_longer$month, social_security_longer$Fiscal_Year)) view(social_security_longer)

this gives you a date to work with

Working with fiscal year and calender year, we need to convert the fiscal year to a calender year

social_security_longer <- social_security_longer %>% mutate(Fiscal_Year=as.numeric(Fiscal_Year)) %>% mutate(Fiscal_Year=ifelse(month(date)>=10, Fiscal_Year-1, Fiscal_Year)) %>% mutate(date=dmy(paste("01", month, Fiscal_Year)))


Changing the name well

social_security_longer <- social_security_longer %>% rename(Fiscal_Year = Fiscal_Year, Month = month, Application_methods = application_method, Applications = applications, Date = date)

view(social_security_longer) summary(social_security_longer) attach(social_security_longer)

We realized that the Fiscal year and the months are no more important so we get rid of them

also the Application method show that it is a character variable so we change it to factors

social_security_longer <- social_security_longer %>% select(-Fiscal_Year, -Month) %>% mutate(Application_methods = as.factor(Application_methods)) view(social_security_longer) summary(social_security_longer)

everything looks perfect now

social_security <- pivot_wider(social_security_longer, names_from = Application_methods, values_from = Applications) %>% select(Date, Internet, Total) attach(social_security) view(social_security)

Looking at the percentage of people who applied online

social_security <- social_security %>% mutate(Online_Percentage = Internet / Total * 100)


Creating a scatter plot to see if internet application has grown over time

ggplot(data = social_security, mapping = aes(x = Date, y = Online_Percentage)) + geom_point()


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