The initial task on homeowners’ lists when renovating or redecorating their homes is to paint the walls. This simple project provides an easy way to give a room a fresh look and can even set the tone for the entire house. However, choosing the right paint colour can be overwhelming due to the endless options available, and a poor decision can be costly
To alleviate this problem, we come up with a robust system "Indecor" that enables homeowners to visualize how their homes would appear with a new coat of paint.This system is intelligent enough to ignore the complex objects within the house and accurately paint only the necessary wall sections, while still maintaining a realistic representation of the image.
The application uses computer vision and deep learning techniques such as the segment-anything to detect walls automatically and provide recommendations for wall painting and texture designs to the users. Additionally, the system provides a tool for users to select a wall and choose a color, and the AI model generates an image based on the user input
Clone the project -
$ git clone
Download the SAM model from the link
$ create a folder named checkpoints inside main/static directory and paste the model file in there
$ cd Indecor
Install all the reqirements -
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following commands -
for linux/mac :
$ python3 migrate
$ python3 makemigrations
for windows :
$ python migrate
$ python makemigrations
Start the project -
for linux/mac :
$ python3 runserver
for windows :
$ python runserver