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Adyen Components for iOS

Adyen Components for iOS allows you to accept in-app payments by providing you with the building blocks you need to create a checkout experience.


Adyen Components for iOS are available through either CocoaPods, Carthage or Swift Package Manager.


  1. Add pod 'Adyen' to your Podfile.
  2. Run pod install.

You can install all modules or add individual modules, depending on your needs and integration type. The Adyen/WeChatPay module needs to be explicitly added to support WeChat Pay. The Adyen/SwiftUI module needs to be explicitly added to use the SwiftUI specific helpers.

pod 'Adyen'               // Add DropIn with all modules except WeChat Pay and SwiftUI.
// Add individual modules
pod 'Adyen/Card'          // Card components.
pod 'Adyen/Encryption'    // Encryption module.
pod 'Adyen/Components'    // All other payment components except WeChat Pay.
pod 'Adyen/Actions'       // Action Components.
pod 'Adyen/WeChatPay'     // WeChat Pay Component.
pod 'Adyen/SwiftUI'       // SwiftUI apps specific module.

⚠️ Adyen/WeChatPay module doesn't support arm64 simulator for M1 Mac devices.


  1. Add github "adyen/adyen-ios" to your Cartfile.
  2. Run carthage update.
  3. Link the framework with your target as described in Carthage Readme.

You can add all modules or select individual modules to add to your integration. But make sure to include each module dependency modules.

  • AdyenDropIn: DropInComponent.
  • AdyenCard: the card components.
  • AdyenComponents: all other payment components except WeChat Pay.
  • AdyenActions: action components.
  • AdyenEncryption: encryption.
  • AdyenWeChatPay: WeChat Pay component.
  • AdyenSwiftUI: SwiftUI apps specific module.

⚠️ AdyenWeChatPay module doesn't support arm64 simulator for M1 Mac devices.

Swift Package Manager

  1. Follow Apple's Adding Package Dependencies to Your App guide on how to add a Swift Package dependency.
  2. Use as the repository URL.
  3. Specify the version to be at least 3.8.0.

You can add all modules or select individual modules to add to your integration. The AdyenWeChatPay module needs to be explicitly added to support WeChat Pay. The AdyenSwiftUI module needs to be explicitly added to use the SwiftUI specific helpers.

  • AdyenDropIn: all modules except AdyenWeChatPay.
  • AdyenCard: the card components.
  • AdyenComponents: all other payment components except WeChat Pay.
  • AdyenActions: action components.
  • AdyenEncryption: encryption.
  • AdyenWeChatPay: WeChat Pay component.
  • AdyenSwiftUI: SwiftUI apps specific module.

⚠️ Please make sure to use Xcode 12.0+ when adding Adyen using Swift Package Manager.

⚠️ Swift Package Manager for Xcode 12.0 and 12.1 has a know issue when it comes to importing a dependency that in turn depend on a binary dependencies. A workaround is described here.

⚠️ AdyenWeChatPay Module doesn't support arm64 Simulator builds, because of a limitation in the underlying libWeChatSDK.a static library dependency. arm64 needs to be excluded as described here or exclude AdyenWeChatPay from your dependencies, to be able to make Any Simulator builds .


The Drop-in handles the presentation of available payment methods and the subsequent entry of a customer's payment details. It is initialized with the response of /paymentMethods, and provides everything you need to make an API call to /payments and /payments/details.


Presenting the Drop-in

The Drop-in requires the response of the /paymentMethods endpoint to be initialized. To pass the response to Drop-in, decode the response to the PaymentMethods structure:

let paymentMethods = try JSONDecoder().decode(PaymentMethods.self, from: response)

All Components need an APIContext. An instance of APIContext wraps your client key and an environment. Please read more here about the client key and how to get. Use Environment.test for environment. When you're ready to accept live payments, change the value to one of our live environments

let apiContext = APIContext(clientKey: clientKey, environment: Environment.test)
let configuration = DropInComponent.Configuration(apiContext: apiContext)

Some payment methods need additional configuration. For example ApplePayComponent. These payment method specific configuration parameters can be set in an instance of DropInComponent.Configuration:

let summaryItems = [
                      PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "Item A", amount: 75, type: .final),
                      PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "Item B", amount: 25, type: .final),
                      PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "Total", amount: 100, type: .final)

let configuration = DropInComponent.Configuration(apiContext: apiContext)
configuration.payment = payment
configuration.applePay = .init(summaryItems: summaryItems,
                               merchantIdentifier: "")

Also for voucher payment methods like Doku variants, in order for the DokuComponent to enable the shopper to save the voucher, access to the shopper photos is requested, so a suitable text need to be added to key NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription in the application Info.plist.

After serializing the payment methods and creating the configuration, the Drop-in is ready to be initialized. Assign a delegate and use the viewController property to present the Drop-in on the screen:

let dropInComponent = DropInComponent(paymentMethods: paymentMethods, configuration: configuration)
dropInComponent.delegate = self
present(dropInComponent.viewController, animated: true)

Implementing DropInComponentDelegate

To handle the results of the Drop-in, the following methods of DropInComponentDelegate should be implemented:

func didSubmit(_ data: PaymentComponentData, for paymentMethod: PaymentMethod, from component: DropInComponent)

This method is invoked when the customer has selected a payment method and entered its payment details. The payment details can be read from data.paymentMethod and can be submitted as-is to /payments.

func didProvide(_ data: ActionComponentData, from component: DropInComponent)

This method is invoked when additional details are provided by the Drop-in after the first call to /payments. This happens, for example, during the 3D Secure 2 authentication flow or any redirect flow. The additional details can be retrieved from data.details and can be submitted to /payments/details.

func didFail(with error: Error, from component: DropInComponent)

This method is invoked when an error occurred during the use of the Drop-in. Dismiss the Drop-in's view controller and display an error message.

func didComplete(from component: DropInComponent)

This method is invoked when the action component finishes, without any further steps needed by the application, for example in case of voucher payment methods. The application just needs to dismiss the DropInComponent.

func didCancel(component: PaymentComponent, from dropInComponent: DropInComponent)

This optional method is invoked when user closes a payment component managed by Drop-in.

func didOpenExternalApplication(_ component: DropInComponent)

This optional method is invoked after a redirect to an external application has occurred.

Handling an action

When /payments or /payments/details responds with a non-final result and an action, you can use one of the following techniques.

Using Drop-in

In case of Drop-in integration you must use build-in action handler on the current instance of DropInComponent:

let action = try JSONDecoder().decode(Action.self, from: actionData)
Using components

In case of using individual components - not Drop-in -, create and persist an instance of AdyenActionComponent:

lazy var actionComponent: AdyenActionComponent = {
    let handler = AdyenActionComponent(apiContext: apiContext)
    handler.delegate = self
    handler.presentationDelegate = self
    return handler

Than use it to handle the action:

let action = try JSONDecoder().decode(Action.self, from: actionData)
Receiving redirect

In case the customer is redirected to an external URL or App, make sure to let the RedirectComponent know when the user returns to your app. Do this by implementing the following in your UIApplicationDelegate:

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    RedirectComponent.applicationDidOpen(from: url)

    return true


In order to have more flexibility over the checkout flow, you can use our Components to present each payment method individually. Implementation details of our Components can be found in our Components API Reference.

Available Components


Both the Drop-in and the Components offer a number of customization options to allow you to match the appearance of your app. For example, to change the section header titles and form field titles in the Drop-in to red, and turn the submit button's background to black with white foreground:

var style = DropInComponent.Style()
style.listComponent.sectionHeader.title.color = .red
style.formComponent.textField.title.color = .red
style.formComponent.mainButtonItem.button.backgroundColor = .black
style.formComponent.mainButtonItem.button.title.color = .white

let dropInComponent = DropInComponent(paymentMethods: paymentMethods,
                                      configuration: configuration,
                                      style: style)

Or, to create a black Card Component with white text:

var style = FormComponentStyle()
style.backgroundColor = .black
style.header.title.color = .white
style.textField.title.color = .white
style.textField.text.color = .white
style.switch.title.color = .white

let component = CardComponent(paymentMethod: paymentMethod,
                              apiContext: apiContext,
                              style: style)

A full list of customization options can be found in the API Reference.


  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 11.0+
  • Swift 5.1

See also


If you have a feature request, or spotted a bug or a technical problem, create a GitHub issue. For other questions, contact our support team.


We strongly encourage you to join us in contributing to this repository so everyone can benefit from:

  • New features and functionality
  • Resolved bug fixes and issues
  • Any general improvements

Read our contribution guidelines to find out how.


This repository is open source and available under the MIT license. For more information, see the LICENSE file.


No packages published


  • Swift 96.7%
  • Objective-C 2.3%
  • Other 1.0%