Tool to create fragmented paper backup of your bip39 mnemonic phrase.
This tool uses secret sharing
for distributing your mnemonic phrase into cryptographically-secure pieces.
Then you save the pieces in different places and to reconstruct the original, combine a specific number of pieces.
Not recommended for safety reasons, be careful
Recommended use
Never use bip39split tool on a computer connected to internet
- Create a bootable ubuntu usb stick
- Copy bip39split.html on another usb key
- Boot Live ubuntu and run bip39split.html
npm install
npm run compileBip39Lib
npm run dist
Inspired by
- Some features of Bitcoin Armory - github
- - github
Powered by
- bip39 for Mnemonic validation and conversion
- secrets.js for split and restore
- qrcodegen.js for QR code generator
- instascan for QR code reader
- mustache for templating
- spectre.css for styling
- sjcl
If you find this project useful, please make a small donation to keep this project healthy.
Coin | Address | QR Code |
Bitcoin BTC | 33bWirMx4k2VXTxreLJFdWXgJE7buxMfAR | |
Ethereum ETH | 0x408c70e0C125894854700B23Cc8E5a9e7a3908ae | |
XRP | rDaEQkutXT7oXGnnqdnsKbZXN5zpHBwUA9 |
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