MQTT is a protocol for message queueing over a network. This project provides a client library for the Go programming language. Message-delivery guarantees are maintained at all costs, even when in error. The client recovers from failure with automatic reconnects. Message transfers in both directions do zero-copy.
The development was kindly sponsored by Northvolt as a gift to the open-source community. Many 🤖 navigated over unreliable connections since then.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Client instantiation validates the configuration only. Network management itself operates from the read routine.
client, err := mqtt.VolatileSession("demo-client", &mqtt.Config{
Dialer: mqtt.NewDialer("tcp", ""),
PauseTimeout: 4 * time.Second,
CleanSession: true,
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("exit on broken setup: ", err)
A read routine sees inbound messages from any of the subscribed topics.
for {
message, topic, err := client.ReadSlices()
if err != nil {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeLastRune(message)
switch r {
case '℃', '℉':
log.Printf("%q at %q", message, topic)
The client supports confirmed message delivery with full progress disclosure. Message transfers without confirmation can be as simple as the following.
err := client.Publish(ctx.Done(), []byte("20.8℃"), "bedroom")
if err != nil {
log.Print("thermostat update lost: ", err)
See the examples from the package documentation for more detail.
Run go install
to build the
mqttc — MQTT broker access
mqttc [options] address
The command connects to the address argument, with an option to
publish a message and/or subscribe with topic filters.
When the address does not specify a port, then the defaults are
applied, which is 1883 for plain connections and 8883 for TLS.
-ca file
Amend the trusted certificate authorities with a PEM file.
-cert file
Use a client certificate from a PEM file (with a corresponding
-key option).
-client identifier
Use a specific client identifier. (default "generated")
-key file
Use a private key (matching the client certificate) from a PEM
-net name
Select the network by name. Valid alternatives include tcp4,
tcp6 and unix. (default "tcp")
-pass file
The file content is used as a password.
-prefix string
Print a string before each inbound message.
-publish topic
Send a message to a topic. The payload is read from standard
Suppress all output to standard error. Error reporting is
deduced to the exit code only.
Print inbound topics and messages as quoted strings.
-server name
Use a specific server name with TLS
-subscribe filter
Listen with a topic filter. Inbound messages are printed to
standard output until interrupted by a signal(3). Multiple
-subscribe options may be applied together.
-suffix string
Print a string after each inbound message. (default "\n")
-timeout duration
Network operation expiry. (default 4s)
Secure the connection with TLS.
Print the respective topic of each inbound message.
-user name
The user name may be used by the broker for authentication
and/or authorization purposes.
Produces more output to standard error for debug purposes.
(0) no error
(1) MQTT operational error
(2) illegal command invocation
(5) connection refused: unacceptable protocol version
(6) connection refused: identifier rejected
(7) connection refused: server unavailable
(8) connection refused: bad username or password
(9) connection refused: not authorized
(130) close on SIGINT
(143) disconnect on SIGTERM
Send a message:
echo "hello" | mqttc -publish chat/misc localhost
Print messages:
mqttc -subscribe "news/#" -prefix "📥 " :1883
Health check:
mqttc -tls || echo "exit $?"
Report bugs at <>.
The implementation follows version 3.1.1 of the OASIS specification in a strict manner. Support for the original IBM-specification may be added at some point in time.
There are no plans to support protocol version 5. Version 3 is lean and well suited for IOT. The additions in version 5 may be more of a fit for backend computing.
See the Broker wiki for
implementation specifics. The most notable offender is AWS IoT. Additions to
are welcome.