1.0.0 (2020-11-08)
Bug Fixes
cni metrics helper in aws module (57a71f1 )
cni metrics helper in aws module (7f4d494 )
dependencies on cert-manager manifest with NS (3b57378 )
dynamic cidrs as list (f535c30 )
iam-assumable-role-with-oidc version (7a087c6 )
ingress cidrs (40ef9e1 )
old variables reference (1c7fcd6 )
symlink default locals (f6bf411 )
tags in aws only (9e7bb23 )
use null value instead of empty when possible (90798c9 )
cert-manager: add a sleep to wait for webhook (71ec3c0 )
add aws-for-fluent-bit (613c538 )
add aws-load-balancer-controller (2f459ac )
add aws-node-termination-handler (9a3f38a )
add cert-manager to generic and scaleway (a2959b4 )
add generic ingress-nginx (e18ff05 )
add generic kube-prometheus-stack (9322cfa )
add kubectl provider to versions (a191428 )
add scaleway provider module (3d2a7de )
DRY variables (5abc0b3 )
remove flux v1 (95e5428 )
remove hard dependencies (cea85d2 )
symlink generic addons (84a022f )
update all addons (6d48b67 )
update kong generic chart (5a9007a )
update version regex (3710d1a )
You can’t perform that action at this time.