A simple Swift Logger
WARNING: This pod is in active development, stable so far in all tests. See TODO section for more.
- Log levels per log
- Tagging per log
- Runtime tag filtering
- Log file and function source of log message
- Global runtime filtering of logs by log level
- Eaay to hook in to receive and process logs
Log a debug mesaage
Log.d("My log")
Log an error message
Log.e("My error log")
Log a message with a specific tag
Log.i("My message", "TAG")
Log a message with custom extra data
Log.i("My message", "TAG", extra:123)
Log levels available:
- Verbose (Log.v)
- Debug (Log.d)
- Info (Log.i)
- Warning (Log.w)
- Error (Log.e)
By default in release only warning messages are allowed though. In debug, debug messages are allowed.
Set the log level for the app to error (everything less than this will not be logged)
Log.setLevel(level: .error)
Filter logs by tag(s)
Log.setTagFilters(tags: ["MainVC"])
There is a build in log handler already in place with sensible defaults. This can be customised somewhat, if you need significant different behaviour then it is recommended that you implement your own handler and disable the default handler.
Log file where the message was logged (including line number) e.g. MainViewController.swift:70
Log functions where the message was logged e.g. tableView(_:cellForRowAt:)
Provided is another example of a handle, the file handler which enables logging to disk. When the handler is created a log file with a timestamp '2017-10-02-09-48-37995.log' is created in the Documents directory. Logs are written to this file as they arrive in. This log handler is NOT enabled by default. Example usage below;
class MyLogHandler : LogHandler {
public func logMessage(log: LogLine, tag: String, level: LogLevel) {
// log.extra is available to use in any way desired. NSNull by default
Register the log handler
Or remove the log handler
Disable the default log handler if you want to handle all logs yourself
Log.enableDefaultLogHandler = false
See SWLoggerTests/SwiftTests.swift for tests of the library.
- Thread safety
- Provide a way for handlers to have a log level associated that is different to the global log level