Hello All,
This application will generate the fractal boundary map for a number of algorithms, based upon the famous Mandelbrot set for complex numbers:
To use this application:
Build against the Makefile provided and launch the compiled index binary from a terminal within your linux GUI.
Select the fractal type from the list of options to launch a new window with the fractal render.
Mouse left-click to center the map on a particular point, or left-click-and-drag a rectangle hotspot to zoom into a given region for more detail.
Mouse right-click or use the 'q' key to close the window.
This project was built and tested using the linux Debian 8 (jessie) distro with kernel version 3.16.0 and gcc version 4.9.2. To compile the project from source requires the development headers for the X11 client-side library, namely 'X11/Xlib.h':
This software is available as per the terms of the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Happy coding!
Parmjit Virk pvirk[at]mts.net