Process mining is a discipline that deals with the understanding and analysis of the process (a sequence of steps that are carried out to achieve a certain goal). It is divided into three main parts:
- Process discovery.
- Conformance checking.
- Process improvement.
- The application creates a valid event log to discover the process of technical problems of the competitors.
- The user able to choose whether to create a log for one selected competitor or for all competitors of the selected nationality.
- The application allows to apply a process discovery algorithm to this log and exports its result to the image.
The CsvExporter class to export your data to a CSV file that represents the event log. Attached The ModelGenerator class allows you to generate a process model in jpg format from the exported data. Following The figure serves as an example and represents a valid event log and process model by Lewis Hamilton. The process model, which will be created by entering the nationality of Russian.
Data from