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A few examples

Frédéric Nieto edited this page May 14, 2020 · 5 revisions

A few Examples


application.install(OpenAPIGen) {
    // basic info
    info {
        version = "0.0.1"
        title = "Test API"
        description = "The Test API"
        contact {
            name = "Support"
            email = "[email protected]"
    // describe the server, add as many as you want
    server("http://localhost:8080/") {
        description = "Test server"
    //optional custom schema object namer
    replaceModule(DefaultSchemaNamer, object: SchemaNamer {
        val regex = Regex("[A-Za-z0-9_.]+")
        override fun get(type: KType): String {
           return type.toString().replace(regex) { it.value.split(".").last() }.replace(Regex(">|<|, "), "_")

application.apiRouting {
// routing goes here

Expose the OpenAPI.json and swager-ui

application.routing {
    get("/openapi.json") {
    get("/") {
        call.respondRedirect("/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/openapi.json", true)


    get<ParameterType, ResponseType> { params ->       // get request on '/' because no path is specified

    route("someroute").get<ParameterType, ResponseType>(   //  get request on '/someroute'
        info("String Param Endpoint", "This is a String Param Endpoint"), // A Route module that adds a name and description to the OpenAPI data for the endpoint, it is optional
        example = ResponseType(...) // example for the OpenAPI data
    ) { params ->

Routes can be written in a chained manner:


or in blocks if you want a hierarchy

route("a") {
    route("b") {


You may have noticed the ParameterType or Params in the get and post handlers, these allow to configure the parameters.

Path Parameters:

data class LongParam(@PathParam("A simple Long Param") val a: Long)

data class StringParam(@PathParam("A simple String Param") val str: Long)

route("someroute") {
    get<LongParam, ResponseType> { params ->  // get request on '/someroute/{a}'
route("{str}") {
    get<StringParam, ResponseType> { params ->  // get request on '/{str}', str will be the string 

Note that the name of the parameter's field must be the one in the brackets, if you have multiple ones it is undefined behavior.

Query Parameters:

data class LongParam(@QueryParam("A simple Long Param") val a: Long)

route("someroute") {
    get<LongParam, ResponseType> { params ->  // get request on '/someroute/?a='

Header Parameters:

data class LongParam(@HeaderParam("A simple Long Param") val `A-HEADER`: Long)

route("someroute") {
    get<LongParam, ResponseType> { params ->  // get request on '/someroute', and expects a header 'A-HEADER'


All Parameter annotations have a style optional parameter that allows you to specify the style according to spec.

Exceptions and multiple responses

The options you have:

throws(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, CustomException::class) { ... // no example, just the exception handling
throws(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "example", CustomException::class) { ... // exception  handling with example, will respond example
throws(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "example", {ex: CustomException -> ex.toString()}) { ... // exception handling, will respond generated content

Now we want to respond a custom generic Error object when an exception is thrown:

data class Error<P>(val id: String, val payload: P)

throws(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Error("bad.request", mapOf<String, String>()), {ex: CustomException -> Error(, ex.payload)}) {
    get<ParameterType, ResponseType> { params -> 

You can also define multiple ones:

data class Error<P>(val id: String, val payload: P)

throws(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Error("bad.request", mapOf<String, String>()), {ex: CustomException -> Error(, ex.payload)}) {
    throws(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, Error("internal.error", mapOf<String, String>()), {ex: OtherCustomException -> Error(, ex.payload)}) {
        get<ParameterType, ResponseType> { params -> 

And different response types:

data class Error<P>(val id: String, val payload: P)

throws(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Error("bad.request", mapOf<String, String>()), {ex: CustomException -> Error(, ex.payload)}) {
    throws(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "err", {ex: OtherCustomException ->}) {
        get<ParameterType, ResponseType> { params -> 

If you want to respond normally you can also do:

// null example means no example, you can of course also add one if you want
throws(HttpStatusCode.OK, null, {ex: CustomException -> OtherResponseType(ex.response)}) {
    get<ParameterType, ResponseType> { params -> 
        if (shouldRespondOther) throw CustomException(response)

Sealed Class Support / Jackson Polymorphic Deserialization

If you use polymorphic json, and you: You have Type A

    "@type" : "a",
    "str": "Some String"

You have Type B

    "@type" : "b",
    "i": 1

You have Type C

    "@type" : "c",
    "l": 0

You would define it like this

    @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME)
        JsonSubTypes.Type(Base.A::class, name = "a"),
        JsonSubTypes.Type(Base.B::class, name = "b"),
        JsonSubTypes.Type(Base.C::class, name = "c")
    sealed class Base {

        class A(val str: String) : Base()

        class B(val i: @Min(0) @Max(2) Int) : Base() // Min and Max constrain the value, it will be shown in the OpenAPI spec, you can also implement custom ones as the feature is not hard-coded, look at how they are defined

        @WithExample // provide an example in a subtype, the companion object and the annotation are required
        class C(val l: @Clamp(0, 10) Long) : Base() {
            companion object: ExampleProvider<C> {
                override val example: C? = C(5)
// and then use as always as request or response, here it just responds what it receives
    post<Params, Base, Base>(
        info("Sealed class Endpoint", "This is a Sealed class Endpoint"),
        exampleRequest = Base.A("Hi"),
        exampleResponse = Base.A("Hi")
    ) { params, base ->

Binary Request/Response

const val contentType = "image/png"

@BinaryRequest([contentType]) // can be omitted if you don' t want to use it as request
@BinaryResponse([contentType]) // can be omitted if you don' t want to use it as response
data class RawPng(val stream: InputStream)

// then in your route like usual

post<Params, Response, RawPng> { params, body->
post<Params, RawPng, Body> { params, body ->

Multipart Request

data class PDFFileCreateDTO(@PartEncoding("application/pdf") val file: NamedFileInputStream, val name: String, val public: Boolean)

// then in your route like usual

post<Params, Response, PDFFileCreateDTO> { params, fileCreate ->