This is a very simple slippy map website that loads shelters from the crowdsourced geodatabase OpenStreetMap (OSM) via Overpass-Turbo and displays the information. It tries to display any images found so you can plan your use of the shelters and amenities.
The map is not mobile friendly. I encourage you to try out OsmAnd on mobile devices instead which makes it easy to view and filter OSM features and which also supports loading pictures from Wikimedia Commons and Mapillary just like this sheltermap.
Note the permalink in the bottom left corner that makes it possible to share the position with others and the possiblity of downloading a GPX-file with the data by following the link in the bottom right corner.
Feel free to fork and make it load whatever point of interest you want. :)
Copyright 2020 pangoSE. SVG icons are CC0. Code is under Gplv3+, see LICENSE for details.