A Karma plugin for unit testing Parse Cloud Code.
The main functionality that this package provides is the Parse.Cloud.Simulator.runFunction
* Simulates the execution of a Cloud Code function.
* @method runFunction
* @param {String} functionName The name of the Cloud Code function to execute.
* @param {Object} [params] The parameters object sent to the function by the client.
* @param {Parse.User} [user] The Parse.User that is making the request.
* @return {Object} The response object.
* @param {Function} success A sinon spy for the response success method.
* @param {Function} error A sinon spy for the response error method.
function runFunction(functionName, params, user)
Given a Parse Cloud Code function:
Parse.Cloud.define('hello', function(request, response) {
if (request.params.helpful == false || request.user.get('disposition') == 'rude') {
response.error('Go away.');
} else {
response.success('Hello world!');
You can use the Parse.Cloud.Simulator
to test the function:
describe('hello', function () {
it('says hi', function () {
var response = Parse.Cloud.Simulator.runFunction('hello');
response.success.args[0][0].should.equal('Hello world!');
it('errors when feeling unhelpful', function () {
var response = Parse.Cloud.Simulator.runFunction('hello', {
helpful: false
response.error.args[0][0].should.equal('Go away.');
it('errors when user is rude', function () {
var user = new Parse.User();
user.set('disposition', 'rude');
var response = Parse.Cloud.Simulator.runFunction('hello', {}, user);
response.error.args[0][0].should.equal('Go away.');