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Merge branch 'master' into IOBP-659-remote-feature-flag-new-payment-s…
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Hantex9 authored May 29, 2024
2 parents 53292b6 + a001580 commit 2e7b52a
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Showing 49 changed files with 1,260 additions and 1,791 deletions.
Binary file removed img/cie/place-card-illustration.png
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed img/cie/[email protected]
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed img/cie/[email protected]
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed img/fiscalCode/fiscalCodeBack.png
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed img/fiscalCode/fiscalCodeFront.png
Binary file not shown.
27 changes: 6 additions & 21 deletions locales/de/index.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -290,7 +290,6 @@ profile:
hint: "Aktiviere diese Option, um zur Vollbildansicht zu wechseln"
title: "Deine persönlichen Dokumente"
fiscalCode: "Steuernummer"
content: "Das Faksimile der Steuernummer ersetzt nicht das physische Dokument, sondern ermöglicht es, die Daten oder den Barcode auf der Rückseite zu lesen"
facSimile: "Faksimile"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -578,8 +577,7 @@ authentication:
genericTitle: "Anmeldung mit CIE"
cie: "CIE"
noDataTitle: "Um IO zu verwenden, musst du das Senden von Daten zulassen"
apduNotSupported: "Dein Betriebssystem unterstützt das Auslesen deiner elektronischen Identitätskarte nicht. Für weitere Informationen wende dich bitte an den Hersteller deines Geräts."
retry: "Erneut versuchen"
noNfcConnectionTitle: "Hast du die Karte berührt?"
enableNfcTitle: "NFC aktivieren"
Expand All @@ -603,35 +601,22 @@ authentication:
header: "Anmeldung mit CIE"
title: "Karte vorübergehend gesperrt"
button: "Lade / Öffne CieID"
title: "Berühre die Karte"
titleiOS: "Halte die Karte still"
headerTitle: "Anmeldung mit CIE"
layCardMessageHeader: "Halte deine elektronische Identitätskarte für einige Sekunden an die Rückseite deines Telefons."
layCardMessageHeaderiOS: "Der Sensor befindet sich im oberen Teil des Geräts."
layCardMessageFooter: "Wenn du nicht genau weißt, wo sich der NFC-Sensor befindet, bewege die Karte an verschiedene Stellen und warte ein paar Sekunden, bis du eine Vibration spürst."
cieCardValid: "Ok, deine Identitätskarte ist gültig! Du kannst sie nun entfernen."
readerCardTitle: "Halte die Karte für ein paar Sekunden still"
layCardMessageFooter: "Wenn du nicht genau weißt, wo sich der NFC-Sensor befindet, bewege die Karte an verschiedene Stellen und warte ein paar Sekunden, bis du eine Vibration spürst."
readerCardHeader: "Wir lesen die Daten deiner Identitätskarte ein und überprüfen deren Gültigkeit."
readerCardFooter: "Halte die Karte noch ein paar Sekunden in dieser Position"
readingInstructions: "Lege deine elektronische Identitätskarte oben auf das Telefon."
moreTags: "Es wurden mehrere Karten identifiziert. Bitte lege eine Karte nach der anderen an."
readingInProgress: "WIRD GELESEN \nHalte die Karte einige Sekunden lang still..."
readingSuccess: "Das Auslesen war erfolgreich.\nDu kannst die Karte entfernen während wir die Datenüberprüfung abschließen."
readingInProgress: "WIRD GELESEN \nHalte die Karte einige Sekunden lang still..."
invalidCard: "Die verwendete Karte scheint keine elektronische Identitätskarte (CIE) zu sein."
tagLost: "Du hast die Karte zu früh entfernt."
genericError: "Es ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es erneut."
readerCardLostTitle: "Karte neu lesen"
readerCardLostTitleiOS: "Du hast die Karte zu früh entfernt."
readerCardLostHeader: "Wir haben den Lesevorgang der Karte noch nicht abgeschlossen."
readerCardLostHeaderiOS: "Wir haben den Lesevorgang der Karte noch nicht abgeschlossen. Versuche es erneut."
onTagLost: "Du hast die Karte zu früh entfernt. Halte die Karte an die Rückseite des Smartphones bis eine Bestätigung auf dem Bildschirm erscheint. Es dauert nur ein paar Sekunden."
tryAgain: "Bei der Verifizierung deiner Karte ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Es handelt sich wahrscheinlich um einen temporäres Problem, bitte versuche es erneut!"
generic: "Bei der Verifizierung deiner Karte ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Wenn du das Problem nicht lösen kannst, teile uns dies bitte über das Symbol '?' in der oberen rechten Ecke mit. Danke!"
unknownCardTitle: "Unbekannte Karte"
unknownCardContent: "Die verwendete Karte scheint keine elektronische Identitätskarte (CIE) zu sein."
unknownCardContent: "Die verwendete Karte scheint keine elektronische Identitätskarte zu sein."
unknownCardHelpLink: "Was ist eine elektronische Identitätskarte?"
retryCTA: "Weiter"
Expand Down
36 changes: 20 additions & 16 deletions locales/en/index.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ inbox:
fiscalCodeHint: Image of barcode and fiscal code
unavailable: Unavailable
label: Preview of your fiscal code document
Expand All @@ -291,8 +292,8 @@ profile:
hint: Activate to show the landscape view
title: Your personal documents
fiscalCode: Fiscal code
description: Use the barcode to communicate your fiscal code when asked.
help: !include profile/
content: The fiscal code fac-simile does not substitute the physical document but it allows both data and barcode being read
facSimile: FAC-SIMILE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,13 +460,18 @@ profile:
itWalletTest: IT Wallet
itWalletTestDescription: Enable the IT Wallet test environment
title: Do you want to display your fiscal code?
action: Go to "Your data" section
close: Close the banner and do not show it again
title: Your data
subtitle: Here you will find your personal and contact data used by the IO app.
email: Email address
need_validate: To be validated
nameSurname: Name and surname
fiscalCode: Fiscal code
contextualHelpTitle: How to manage your email
contextualHelpContent: !include profile/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,7 +629,7 @@ authentication:
noDataTitle: To use IO you must authorize the sending of data
authToSendData: !include cie/
apduNotSupported: "The operating system doesn't support the reading of your CIE. For further details, please contact your device manufacturer."
apduNotSupported: The operating system doesn't support the reading of the Electronic Identity Card. Try using SPID to enter the app.
retry: Retry
noNfcConnectionTitle: Are you sure you put the card down?
noNfcConnectionContent: !include cie/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -658,39 +664,37 @@ authentication:
title: Card temporarily locked
content: !include cie/
button: "Load/open CieID"
headerTitle: Login with CIE
titleiOS: Hold the card still
title: Hold the card again
layCardMessageHeader: Hold your Electronic ID Card on the back of your phone for a few seconds.
layCardMessageHeaderiOS: The sensor is located on top of the device.
title: Hold your CIE on the back of your phone
titleiOS: Place the CIE on your phone, on top.
layCardMessageHeader: If the reading doesn't start, move the card to different places and wait a few seconds until you feel a vibration.
layCardMessageHeaderiOS: If the card is not read, move it to different places and wait a few seconds.
layCardMessageFooter: If you don't know exactly where the NFC sensor is, move the card to different points and wait a few seconds until you feel a vibration.
cieCardValid: Ok, your card is valid! You can remove it.
cieCardValid: Done!
readerCardTitle: Hold the card for a few seconds
readerCardHeader: We are reading the data of your CIE and verifying its validity.
readerCardFooter: Hold the card in this position for a few more seconds
readingInstructions: Keep your electronic ID card on the top of the iPhone.
moreTags: More cards have been identified. Please bring one card at a time.
readingInProgress: "READING IN PROGRESS\nHold the card still for a few seconds..."
readingSuccess: "Successful reading.\nYou can remove the card while we complete the data verification."
readingSuccess: "Done!"
invalidCard: It seems that this card is not an Electronic Identity Card (CIE).
tagLost: You removed the card too soon.
cardLocked: The CIE PIN is blocked.
wrongPin1AttemptLeft: You have entered a wrong PIN twice
wrongPin2AttemptLeft: Wrong PIN
genericError: Something went wrong! Please try again.
readerCardLostTitle: Hold the card again for a few seconds
readerCardLostTitleiOS: You removed the card too soon.
readerCardLostHeader: We have not yet finished reading the card data.
readerCardLostHeaderiOS: We have not yet finished reading the card data. Please try again.
onTagLost: You removed the card too soon. Hold the card as close as possible to the back of the device until a confirmation appears on the screen. It will take a few seconds.
readerCardLostTitle: You removed the card too soon.
onTagLost: Place the card on the back of the device again.
tryAgain: Something did not work as expected while we read your CIE. It's probably a temporary issue, please try again!
generic: Something did not work as expected while we read your CIE.
unknownCardTitle: Unknown card
unknownCardContent: The card used does not seem to be an Electronic Identity Card (CIE).
unknownCardContent: The card used does not seem to be an Electronic Identity Card.
unknownCardHelpLink: What is the Electronic Identity Card?
genericErrorTitle: We could not retrieve the data from the card
genericErrorSubtitle: If you've had the problem a few times, give it a few minutes and try again.
retryCTA: Enter
spid: SPID
Expand Down
36 changes: 20 additions & 16 deletions locales/it/index.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ inbox:
fiscalCodeHint: Immagine del codice a barre del tuo codice fiscale
unavailable: Non disponibile
label: Anteprima del tuo codice fiscale
Expand All @@ -291,8 +292,8 @@ profile:
hint: Attiva per passare alla visualizzazione a schermo intero
title: I tuoi documenti personali
fiscalCode: Codice fiscale
description: Usa il codice a barre per comunicare il tuo codice fiscale quando ti viene richiesto.
help: !include profile/
content: Il fac-simile del codice fiscale non sostituisce il documento fisico ma ne permette la lettura dei dati o del codice a barre sul retro
facSimile: FAC-SIMILE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,13 +460,18 @@ profile:
itWalletTest: IT Wallet
itWalletTestDescription: Abilita ambiente di test per IT Wallet
title: Vuoi visualizzare il tuo Codice Fiscale?
action: Vai alla sezione “I tuoi dati”
close: Chiudi il banner e non mostrarlo più
title: I tuoi dati
subtitle: Qui trovi i tuoi dati anagrafici e di contatto utilizzati da app IO
email: Indirizzo email
need_validate: Da validare
nameSurname: Nome e cognome
fiscalCode: Codice Fiscale
contextualHelpTitle: Come gestire la tua mail
contextualHelpContent: !include profile/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,7 +629,7 @@ authentication:
noDataTitle: Per usare IO è necessario autorizzare l'invio dei dati
authToSendData: !include cie/
apduNotSupported: "Il sistema operativo non supporta la lettura della tua carta di identità elettronica. Per maggiori informazioni, contatta il produttore del tuo dispositivo."
apduNotSupported: "Il sistema operativo non supporta la lettura della Carta di Identità Elettronica. Prova ad usare SPID per entrare in app."
retry: Riprova
noNfcConnectionTitle: Hai appoggiato la carta?
noNfcConnectionContent: !include cie/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -659,38 +665,36 @@ authentication:
content: !include cie/
button: "Scarica / Apri CieID"
title: Appoggia la carta
titleiOS: Tieni ferma la carta
headerTitle: Entra con CIE
layCardMessageHeader: Appoggia per qualche secondo la tua carta di identità elettronica al retro del tuo telefono.
layCardMessageHeaderiOS: Il sensore è posizionato nella parte alta del dispositivo.
title: Appoggia la CIE sul retro del dispositivo
titleiOS: Appoggia la CIE sul dispositivo, in alto
layCardMessageHeader: Se la lettura non parte, sposta la carta in punti diversi e attendi qualche secondo finché non senti una vibrazione.
layCardMessageHeaderiOS: Se la carta non viene letta, spostala in punti diversi e attendi qualche secondo.
layCardMessageFooter: Se non sai con precisione dove sia l'antenna NFC sposta la carta in punti diversi e attendi qualche secondo finché non senti una vibrazione.
cieCardValid: Ok, la tua carta CIE è valida! Puoi rimuoverla.
readerCardTitle: Tieni ferma la carta per qualche secondo
cieCardValid: Lettura completata!
readerCardTitle: Tienila ferma per qualche secondo
readerCardHeader: Stiamo leggendo i dati della tua carta d'identità e verificandone la sua validità.
readerCardFooter: Tieni ferma la carta in questa posizione ancora per qualche secondo
readingInstructions: Appoggia la tua carta d’identità elettronica nella parte alta del telefono.
moreTags: Sono state individuate più carte. Per favore avvicina una carta alla volta.
readingInProgress: "LETTURA IN CORSO\nTieni ferma la carta per qualche secondo..."
readingSuccess: "Lettura avvenuta con successo.\nPuoi rimuovere la carta mentre completiamo la verifica dei dati."
readingSuccess: "Lettura completata"
invalidCard: La carta utilizzata non sembra essere una Carta di Identità Elettronica (CIE).
tagLost: Hai rimosso la carta troppo presto.
cardLocked: Il PIN della CIE è stato bloccato
wrongPin1AttemptLeft: Hai inserito un PIN errato per due volte
wrongPin2AttemptLeft: Il PIN non è corretto
genericError: Si è verificato un errore imprevisto. Riprova.
readerCardLostTitle: Avvicina nuovamente la carta
readerCardLostTitleiOS: Hai rimosso la carta troppo presto
readerCardLostHeader: Non abbiamo ancora terminato le operazioni di lettura dei dati della carta.
readerCardLostHeaderiOS: Non abbiamo ancora terminato le operazioni di lettura dei dati della carta. Riprova di nuovo.
onTagLost: Hai rimosso la carta troppo presto. Tieni la carta appoggiata sul retro dello smartphone finché nello schermo non comparirà una conferma. Basterà qualche secondo.
readerCardLostTitle: Hai rimosso la carta troppo presto
onTagLost: Appoggia di nuovo la carta sul retro del dispositivo.
tryAgain: Si è verificato un errore durante la verifica della tua carta. Probabilmente è un errore momentaneo, riprova per piacere!
generic: Si è verificato un errore durante la verifica della tua carta. Se non riesci a risolvere il problema, segnalacelo con l’icona '?' in alto a destra. Grazie!
unknownCardTitle: Carta sconosciuta
unknownCardContent: La carta utilizzata non sembra essere una Carta di Identità Elettronica (CIE).
unknownCardContent: La carta utilizzata non sembra essere una Carta di Identità Elettronica.
unknownCardHelpLink: Che cos'è la Carta di Identità Elettronica?
genericErrorTitle: Non siamo riusciti a recuperare i dati dalla carta
genericErrorSubtitle: Se riscontri più volte il problema, attendi qualche minuto e riprova.
retryCTA: Entra
spid: SPID
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"fast_login_api": "",
"pagopa_api_walletv3": "",
"pagopa_api_ecommerce": "",
"trial_system": "",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"start": "react-native start",
Expand All @@ -39,7 +40,6 @@
"test:dev": "jest --detectOpenHandles --coverage=false",
"test:tz": "yarn test:tz-eu-rome && yarn test:tz-us-ny && yarn test:tz-us-yt && yarn test:tz-au-syd && yarn test:tz-eu-rome-comp",
"test:tz-eu-rome": "TZ='Europe/Rome' jest --config='./' --detectOpenHandles --coverage=false -t 'Check fiscal code date IT' './ts/utils/__tests__/fiscal-code.test.ts'",
"test:tz-eu-rome-comp": "TZ='Europe/Rome' jest --config='./' --detectOpenHandles --coverage=false './ts/components/__tests__/FiscalCodeComponent.test.tsx'",
"test:tz-us-ny": "TZ='America/New_York' jest --config='./' --detectOpenHandles --coverage=false -t 'Check fiscal code date NY' './ts/utils/__tests__/fiscal-code.test.ts'",
"test:tz-us-yt": "TZ='America/Whitehorse' jest --config='./' --detectOpenHandles --coverage=false -t 'Check fiscal code date CA' './ts/utils/__tests__/fiscal-code.test.ts'",
"test:tz-au-syd": "TZ='Australia/Sydney' jest --config='./' --detectOpenHandles --coverage=false -t 'Check fiscal code date AU' './ts/utils/__tests__/fiscal-code.test.ts'",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"generate:services": "npm-run-all generate:services-api",
"generate:lollipop-api": "rimraf definitions/lollipop && mkdir -p definitions/lollipop && gen-api-models --api-spec $npm_package_lollipop_api --out-dir ./definitions/lollipop --no-strict --response-decoders --request-types --client",
"generate:fast-login-api": "rimraf definitions/fast_login && mkdir -p definitions/fast_login && gen-api-models --api-spec $npm_package_fast_login_api --out-dir ./definitions/fast_login --no-strict --response-decoders --request-types --client",
"generate:trial-system-api": "rimraf definitions/trial_systwem && mkdir -p definitions/trial_systwem && gen-api-models --api-spec $npm_package_trial_system --out-dir ./definitions/trial_systwem --no-strict --response-decoders --request-types --client",
"generate:pagopa-walletv3-api": "rimraf definitions/pagopa/walletv3 && mkdir -p definitions/pagopa/walletv3 && gen-api-models --api-spec $npm_package_pagopa_api_walletv3 --out-dir ./definitions/pagopa/walletv3 --no-strict --response-decoders --request-types --client",
"generate:pagopa-ecommerce-api": "rimraf definitions/pagopa/ecommerce && mkdir -p definitions/pagopa/ecommerce && gen-api-models --api-spec $npm_package_pagopa_api_ecommerce --out-dir ./definitions/pagopa/ecommerce --no-strict --response-decoders --request-types --client",
"generate:payments": "npm-run-all generate:pagopa-walletv3-api generate:pagopa-ecommerce-api",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ts/@types/react-native-barcode-builder.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ declare module "react-native-barcode-builder" {
width?: number;
height?: number;
background?: string;
format: barcodeTypes;
format?: barcodeTypes;
text?: string;
lineColor?: string;
onError?: () => void;
Expand Down

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