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Packlink Magento 2 plugin - developer instructions

Commit procedure

The following steps must be completed before each commit.

Run unit tests

Configuration for phpunit is in the ./phpunit.xml file.

If you haven't already done so, you can setup unit tests in PHPStorm. To do so, first go to File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Test Frameworks and add new PHPUnit Local configuration. Select Use composer autoloader and in the field below navigate to your Magento installation folder and select /vendor/autoload.php file.

Go to Run > Edit configuration menu and add new PHPUnit configuration. For Test Runner options select Defined in configuration file and add specific phpunit configuration file path to the ./phpunit.xml file in module's root directory.

Create new file ./PacklinkPro/Test/autoload.php by copying the file ./PacklinkPro/Test/autoload-sample.php. In the newly created file change path to the magento's root folder, for example /var/www/html/magento/app/bootstrap.php.

Now test configuration is set and you can run tests by activating run command from the top right toolbar.

All tests must pass.

Note: Tests will fail if you already have installed the module in Magento, because Magento will load both your local module and the module from Magento. In such a configuration, you need to rename the module folder in Magento, run tests, and rename it back.

Preparing code for commit

Always run the validator script before committing the code.


This will validate and automatically fix all common problems. If there is no output, all is fine. Otherwise, correct the reported errors. Ignore errors in Tests folder and in file /IntegrationCore/Infrastructure/Serializer/Concrete/NativeSerializer.php since these will be removed during the deployment/packaging process.

Release new version

Prepare module

Make sure version in ./PacklinkPro/composer.json file is set to a new version number. Make sure DB "setup_version" in ./PacklinkPro/etc/module.xml file is set to a new version number.

Add change log - release notes in ./PluginInstalations/ file.

Create module package

