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Move map setup to separate module and add run buttons
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eyvorchuk committed Feb 5, 2024
1 parent 0ba4c14 commit 05945a9
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Showing 2 changed files with 888 additions and 1,405 deletions.
274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions notebooks/
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@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
import os
import shapely.geometry
import numpy as np
from birdy import WPSClient
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from datetime import datetime
from requests_html import HTMLSession
from ipywidgets import *
from ipyleaflet import *
from IPython import display as ipydisplay

# Instantiate the clients to the two birds. This instantiation also takes advantage of asynchronous execution by setting `progress` to True.
chickadee_url = ""
chickadee = WPSClient(chickadee_url, progress=True)
finch_url = ""
finch = WPSClient(finch_url, progress=True)

# These outputs store the WPS responses to track the bird processes
chickadee_output = None
finch_output = None

sub_layers = LayerGroup()
thredds_base = ""
thredds_catalog = ""

def in_bc(point):
bc = f"{thredds_base}/storage/data/climate/PRISM/dataportal/"
bc_data = Dataset(bc)
bc_lat = bc_data.variables["lat"][:]
bc_lon = bc_data.variables["lon"][:]
# Check if center point is within lat/lon grid
if (point[0] < bc_lat[0]) or (point[0] > bc_lat[-1]) or (point[1] < bc_lon[0]) or (point[1] > bc_lon[-1]):
return False
# Check if center point is closest to a masked data value
lat_index = np.argmin(np.abs(bc_lat - point[0]))
lon_index = np.argmin(np.abs(bc_lon - point[1]))
pr = bc_data.variables["pr"][0, lat_index, lon_index]
if pr.mask:
return False
return True

def get_subdomain(lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max, color, name):
coords = [(lat_min, lon_min), (lat_max, lon_max)]
return Rectangle(bounds=coords, color=color, name=name, draggable=True)

def get_models():
session = HTMLSession()
r = session.get(f"{thredds_catalog}/storage/data/climate/downscale/BCCAQ2/CMIP6_BCCAQv2/catalog.html")
models = []
exclude = ["CMIP6_BCCAQv2", "CWEC2020_Factors/", "Degree_Climatologies/", "Ensemble_Averages/", "nobackup/", "--", ""]
for tt in r.html.find("tt"):
if tt.text not in exclude:
return models

def handle_dataset_change(change):
technique.disabled = not technique.disabled
model.disabled = not model.disabled
scenario.disabled = not scenario.disabled

def handle_model_change(change):
if model.value == "CanESM5":
canesm5_run.disabled = False
canesm5_run.disabled = True

def handle_interact(**kwargs):
point = (round(kwargs.get("coordinates")[0], 5), round(kwargs.get("coordinates")[1], 5))
center_hover.value = str(point)
if kwargs.get("type") == "click":
# Check if point is within PRISM region
if not in_bc(point):
# Remove previous center point and subdomains
for layer in sub_layers.layers:

# Add new subdomains
m.center_point = point
center.value = str(m.center_point)
center_marker = Marker(location=m.center_point, name="Marker")

m.lat_min_obs, m.lat_max_obs = (m.center_point[0] - 1.25, m.center_point[0] + 1.25)
m.lon_min_obs, m.lon_max_obs = (m.center_point[1] - 1.25, m.center_point[1] + 1.25)
m.lat_min_gcm, m.lat_max_gcm = (m.center_point[0] - 1.5, m.center_point[0] + 1.5)
m.lon_min_gcm, m.lon_max_gcm = (m.center_point[1] - 1.5, m.center_point[1] + 1.5)

gcm_subdomain = get_subdomain(m.lat_min_gcm, m.lat_max_gcm, m.lon_min_gcm, m.lon_max_gcm, "blue", "GCM")
obs_subdomain = get_subdomain(m.lat_min_obs, m.lat_max_obs, m.lon_min_obs, m.lon_max_obs, "red", "Obs")


output_widget = Output() # Used to print bird progress to main workflow
def handle_run_chickadee(arg):
# Obtain the input data files from the THREDDS data server (
data_vars = {"pr": "pr", "tasmax": "tmax", "tasmin": "tmin"}

gcm_var = clim_vars.value
obs_var = data_vars[gcm_var]

if dataset.value == "PNWNAmet":
gcm_file = f"{thredds_base}/storage/data/projects/dataportal/data/vic-gen2-forcing/PNWNAmet_{gcm_var}"
if technique.value == "BCCAQv2":
technique_dir = "BCCAQ2"
model_dir = model.value
technique_dir = "MBCn"
model_dir = model.value + "_10"
model_catalog = f"{thredds_catalog}/storage/data/climate/downscale/{technique_dir}/CMIP6_{technique.value}/{model_dir}/catalog.html"

session = HTMLSession()
r = session.get(model_catalog)
for tt in r.html.find("tt"):
file = tt.text
if (gcm_var in file) and (scenario.value in file):
if (model.value == "CanESM5") and (canesm5_run.value not in file):
gcm_file = f"{thredds_base}/storage/data/climate/downscale/{technique_dir}/CMIP6_{technique.value}/{model_dir}/{file}"

obs_file = f"{thredds_base}/storage/data/climate/PRISM/dataportal/{obs_var}_monClim_PRISM_historical_run1_{period.value}.nc"
gcm_dataset = Dataset(gcm_file)
obs_dataset = Dataset(obs_file)

# Obtain the datasets' latitudes and longitudes to determine the subdomains
gcm_lats = gcm_dataset.variables["lat"][:]
gcm_lons = gcm_dataset.variables["lon"][:]
obs_lats = obs_dataset.variables["lat"][:]
obs_lons = obs_dataset.variables["lon"][:]
gcm_lat_indices = get_index_range(gcm_lats, m.lat_min_gcm, m.lat_max_gcm)
gcm_lon_indices = get_index_range(gcm_lons, m.lon_min_gcm, m.lon_max_gcm)
obs_lat_indices = get_index_range(obs_lats, m.lat_min_obs, m.lat_max_obs)
obs_lon_indices = get_index_range(obs_lons, m.lon_min_obs, m.lon_max_obs)
gcm_lat_range = f"[{gcm_lat_indices[0]}:{gcm_lat_indices[1]}]"
gcm_lon_range = f"[{gcm_lon_indices[0]}:{gcm_lon_indices[1]}]"
obs_lat_range = f"[{obs_lat_indices[0]}:{obs_lat_indices[1]}]"
obs_lon_range = f"[{obs_lon_indices[0]}:{obs_lon_indices[1]}]"

# Use full time range of each dataset
gcm_ntime = len(gcm_dataset.variables["time"][:])
gcm_time_range = f"[0:{gcm_ntime - 1}]"
obs_ntime = len(obs_dataset.variables["time"][:])
obs_time_range = f"[0:{obs_ntime - 1}]"

# Request a subset of each dataset based on the array indices for each subdomain
gcm_subset_file = f"{gcm_file}?time,lat{gcm_lat_range},lon{gcm_lon_range},{gcm_var}{gcm_time_range}{gcm_lat_range}{gcm_lon_range}"
obs_subset_file = f"{obs_file}?time,lat{obs_lat_range},lon{obs_lon_range},climatology_bounds,crs,{obs_var}{obs_time_range}{obs_lat_range}{obs_lon_range}"

# Put together the parameters for ``.
# In the case for `pr`, the `units_bool` parameter is set to `False` in order to avoid converting the PRISM's `mm` units to the PNWNAmet's `mm/day` units.
(start_date, end_date) = period.value.split("-")
start_date = datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y%m")
end_date = datetime.strptime(end_date + "31", "%Y%m%d")
chickadee_params = {"gcm_file": gcm_subset_file, "obs_file": obs_subset_file, "gcm_varname": gcm_var, "obs_varname": obs_var, "max_gb": 0.5,
"start_date": start_date, "end_date": end_date}
if gcm_var == "pr":
chickadee_params["units_bool"] = False
chickadee_params["pr_units"] = "mm/day"
if dataset.value == "PNWNAmet":
chickadee_params["out_file"] = f"{gcm_var}_{dataset.value}_target_{period.value}"
if not canesm5_run.disabled:
chickadee_params["out_file"] = f"{gcm_var}_{dataset.value}_{technique.value}_{model.value}_{canesm5_run.value}_{scenario.value}_target_{period.value}"
chickadee_params["out_file"] = f"{gcm_var}_{dataset.value}_{technique.value}_{model.value}_{scenario.value}_target_{period.value}"

print("Running Chickadee")
global chickadee_output
chickadee_output =**chickadee_params)

def handle_run_finch(arg):
if chickadee_output is None or chickadee_output.isNotComplete():
print("Chickadee process has not completed. Cannot run Finch without the Chickadee output.")

# Get THREDDS location of large Chickadee output to pass to Finch
chickadee_output_url = chickadee_output.get()[0]
chickadee_output_thredds = thredds_base + "birdhouse_wps_outputs/"
chickadee_output_thredds += chickadee_output_url.split("wpsoutputs/")[1]

# Get climate index corresponding to climate variable in Chickadee output
with Dataset(chickadee_output_thredds) as dset:
if "pr" in dset.variables:
process = finch.wetdays
kwargs = {"thresh": "10 mm/day", "output_name": "r10mm"}
elif "tasmin" in dset.variables:
process = finch.tn_min
kwargs = {"output_name": "tn_min_ys"}
process = finch.tx_max
kwargs = {"output_name": "tx_max_ys"}

print("Running Finch")
global finch_output
finch_output = process(chickadee_output_thredds, **kwargs)

def get_index_range(arr, min_val, max_val):
"""Compute the indices in an array that correspond to the array's values
closest to desired min/max values."""
min_index = np.argmin(np.abs(arr - min_val))
max_index = np.argmin(np.abs(arr - max_val))
return (min_index, max_index)

def get_bird_output(resp):
"""Get the URL of the Chickaee/Finch output file for downloading."""
if resp.isNotComplete():
print("Bird process is not complete.")
print("Process status: " + resp.status)
print("Link to process output: " + resp.get()[0])

def bird_output_to_dataset(resp):
"""Open Chickadee/Finch output via its THREDDS location using netCDF4.Dataset for further examination."""
url = resp.get()[0]
thredds_url = thredds_base + "birdhouse_wps_outputs/" + url.split("wpsoutputs")[1]
ds = Dataset(thredds_url)
return ds

# Initialize interactive map and associated widgets
mapnik = basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik)
mapnik.base = True = "Default"

m = Map(
center=(53.5, -120),
m.center_point = ()

legend = LegendControl({"GCM": "blue", "Obs": "red"}, name="Subdomains", position="topright")

center_hover = Text(value="", placeholder="")
center = Text(value="", placeholder="", description="Center:")
clim_vars = RadioButtons(options=["pr", "tasmax", "tasmin"], description="Climate variable:")
dataset = RadioButtons(options=["PNWNAmet", "CMIP6"], description="Dataset:")

technique = RadioButtons(options=["BCCAQv2", "MBCn"], description="CMIP6 downscaling technique:", disabled = True)
model = Dropdown(options=get_models(), description="CMIP6 model:", disabled = True) = "100px"

canesm5_runs = ["r" + str(r) + "i1p2f1" for r in range(1, 11)]
canesm5_run = Dropdown(options=canesm5_runs, description="CanESM5 run:", disabled = True) = "100px"

scenario = RadioButtons(options=[("SSP1-2.6", "ssp126"), ("SSP2-4.5", "ssp245"), ("SSP5-8.5", "ssp585")], description="CMIP6 emissions scenario:", disabled = True)
period = RadioButtons(options=["197101-200012", "198101-201012"], description="Climatological period:")

run_chickadee = Button(description='Run Chickadee', button_style='success', disabled=False, tooltip="Click 'Run' to start the on-demand downscaling")

run_finch = Button(description='Run Finch', button_style='info', disabled=False, tooltip="Click 'Run' to start the climate index calculations")

box_layout = Layout(display='flex',
flex_flow = 'column',
align_items = 'center')
control_box = Box(children = [center_hover, center, clim_vars, dataset, technique, model, canesm5_run, scenario, period, run_chickadee, run_finch], layout=box_layout)

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