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script to make vizgen_cellbound toy dataset
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alikhuseynov authored Oct 20, 2023
1 parent dc01b94 commit e3109c2
Showing 1 changed file with 396 additions and 0 deletions.
396 changes: 396 additions & 0 deletions inst/script/vizgen_cellbound.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
# load libs - less libs

## ------------------------- ##
## Brain cancer toy dataset 1
## ------------------------- ##
# my dir to large test dataset
dir_use <- "./vizgen_test_repo/vizgen_cellbound/"
dir_github <- "./vizgen_test_repo/vizgen_cellbound_github/"

# load large SFE object
sfe <-
readVizgen(data_dir = dir_use,
z = "all",
z_option = "3d", # this will return XYZ MULTIPOINT for rowGeometiries
sample_id = "vizgen_test",
min_area = 15,
image = c("DAPI", "PolyT", "Cellbound"),
flip = "geometry", # "image" & "none", "geometry"
max_flip = "50 MB",
filter_counts = TRUE, # keep cells with counts > 0 or not
add_molecules = TRUE,
use_bboxes = FALSE,
#file_out = file.path(dir_use, "detected_transcripts.parquet"),
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(14,
tasks = 80L,
force.GC = FALSE,
progressbar = TRUE)
# normalize raw counts
sfe %<>% logNormCounts()
rowGeometry(sfe) %>% str # XYZ coords

# check if flip works
colGeometry(sfe, 1) %>% st_geometry() %>% st_bbox
cellSeg(sfe) %>% st_geometry() %>% st_bbox
txSpots(sfe) %>% st_geometry() %>% st_bbox

# plot it
# Segs
options(repr.plot.height = 5, repr.plot.width = 10)
pl1 <-
plotSpatialFeature(sfe, features = "COL1A2",
size = 4,
#colGeometryName = "centroids",
colGeometryName = "cellSeg",
dark = TRUE,
#scattermore = TRUE, # will plot only centroids!
image_id = "Cellbound2_z3" # "DAPI_z3"
) & Seurat::DarkTheme()

# Segs using bbox cropping
bbox_use <- c(xmin = 6500, ymin = -1500, xmax = 6800, ymax = -1200)
plotSpatialFeature(sfe, features = "COL1A2", bbox = bbox_use,
size = 4,
#colGeometryName = "centroids",
colGeometryName = "cellSeg",
dark = TRUE,
#scattermore = TRUE, # will plot only centroids!
image_id = c("Cellbound2_z3"),
) & Seurat::DarkTheme()
#theme(axis.line = element_line(color = "white"),
# axis.ticks = element_line(color = "white", size = 1, linetype = 1),
# axis.text = element_text(color = "white"))

# subset obj given the bbox
sfe_sub <-
colGeometryName = "cellSeg",
sample_id = "vizgen_test",
y = bbox_use)
# keep only background genes and some panel general markers
sfe_sub <- sfe_sub[c(1:50, grep("Blank-", rownames(sfe_sub)))]

# plot it - Segs
options(repr.plot.height = 5, repr.plot.width = 10)
pl1 <-
plotSpatialFeature(sfe_sub, features = "COL1A2",
size = 4,
#colGeometryName = "centroids",
colGeometryName = "cellSeg",
dark = TRUE,
#scattermore = TRUE, # will plot only centroids!
image_id = "Cellbound2_z3" # "DAPI_z3"
) & Seurat::DarkTheme()

# check if flip stays
colGeometry(sfe_sub, 1) %>% st_geometry() %>% st_bbox
cellSeg(sfe_sub) %>% st_geometry() %>% st_bbox
txSpots(sfe_sub) %>% st_geometry() %>% st_bbox

# export sfe_toy obj
dir_local <- "./SpatialFeatureExperiment/seurat_v4/inst/extdata"
saveRDS(sfe_sub, file = file.path(dir_local, "sfe_vizgen_toy.rds"))
#sfe_sub <- readRDS(file = file.path(dir_local, "sfe_vizgen_toy.rds"))

# OK -> get images ----
imgData(sfe_sub)[1,] # 1st image
# get images in a list
im_sub <-
lapply(imgData(sfe_sub) %>% nrow() %>% seq(),
function(i) {
im_sub <-
sample_id = "vizgen_test",
image_id = imgData(sfe_sub)$image_id[i],
bbox = NULL # set bbox arg to NULL
names(im_sub) <- imgData(sfe_sub)$image_id

# get image - in a loop
img <-
lapply(seq(im_sub), function (i) {
im_sub[[i]]$data[[1]]@image %>%
unwrap() # convert from PackedSpatRaster to SpatRaster
# convert to export as image
img_out.list <-
lapply(seq(img), function(i) {
# using terra lib
img_out <-
img[[i]] %>%
terra::aggregate(., fact = 4) %>%
#terra::flip() %>%
img_out[is.nan(img_out)] <- 0
# export images
for (i in seq(img_out.list)) {
writeTIFF(img_out.list[[i]] / c(max(img_out.list[[i]]) * 3), # downsample image
paste0(dir_github, "images/mosaic_", names(im_sub)[i], ".tif"))
# load image and plot it
img_test <- rast(file.path(dir_github, "images/mosaic_Cellbound1_z3.tif"))

# OK -> prepare manifest.json ----
manifest <- read_json(file.path(dir_use, "images/manifest.json"), simplifyVector = TRUE)
manifest %>% str
mnfst <- manifest
# keep only image names present in downsampled obj
mnfst$mosaic_files %<>%
filter(file_name %in% paste0("mosaic_", names(im_sub), ".tif"))
mnfst$mosaic_pyramid_files <- NULL
# extract relevant image dims
img_out <-
img[[1]] %>%
terra::aggregate(., fact = 4) #%>% terra::flip()
mnfst$mosaic_width_pixels <- ncol(img_out)
mnfst$mosaic_height_pixels <- nrow(img_out)
# make bbox with positive signes
extent <- as.vector(ext(img_out))[c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")]
extent[c("ymin", "ymax")] <- -extent[c("ymax", "ymin")]
extent %>% unname()
mnfst$bbox_microns <- extent %>% unname()
mnfst$hor_num_tiles_box <- 1
mnfst$vert_num_tiles_box <- 1
mnfst %>% str
write_json(mnfst, file.path(dir_github, "images/manifest.json"),
pretty = TRUE,
auto_unbox = TRUE)

# OK -> get count matrix ----
mat_sub <- assay(sfe_sub, "counts")
# read original count matrix
mat <- data.table::fread(file.path(dir_use, "cell_by_gene.csv"),
colClasses = list(character = 1))
mat %>% str
# match them
mat %<>%
# keep cells from mat_sub
dplyr::slice(match(mat_sub %>% colnames(), mat$cell)) %>%
# keep genes from mat_sub, and cell col
match(mat_sub %>% rownames(), mat %>% colnames())))
# export it
data.table::fwrite(mat, file = file.path(dir_github, "cell_by_gene.csv"))

# OK -> get metadata ----
meta_orig <- data.table::fread(file.path(dir_use, "cell_metadata.csv"))
meta_orig %>% str

# get metadata df from sce, sfe or miloR obj
callMeta <- function(object = NULL) {
return(colData(object)@listData %>%
meta_sub <-
callMeta(sfe_sub) %>%
meta_sub %>% str

# subset original metadata given cell ids
cells_use <-
match(meta_sub %>% rownames(), meta_orig$EntityID %>% as.character())
# check if cell ids correspond
identical(meta_orig %>%
dplyr::slice(cells_use) %>%
pull(EntityID) %>% as.character,
meta_sub %>% rownames())
# all good!
meta_sub <-
meta_orig %>%
# export it
data.table::fwrite(meta_sub, file = file.path(dir_github, "cell_metadata.csv"))

# OK -> get cell segmentations ----
parq_orig <- sfarrow::st_read_parquet(file.path(dir_use, "cell_boundaries.parquet"))
parq_orig %>% str
cellSeg(sfe_sub) %>% str

# flip y coords
mat_flip <- matrix(c(1,0,0,-1), ncol = 2)
parq <- cellSeg(sfe_sub)
st_geometry(parq) <- c(st_geometry(parq) * mat_flip)
st_geometry(parq) %>% st_bbox

# Not using that field anyway so can be random
parq$ID <- sample(seq_len(nrow(parq)) - 1, nrow(parq))
parq$EntityID <-
cellSeg(sfe_sub) %>%
rownames() %>%
#parq$ZIndex <- 0
#parq$Type <- "cell"
#parq$ZLevel <- 1.5
parq$ParentID <- parq$ParentType <- parq$Name <- NA
parq$X__index_level_0__ <- parq$ID
names(parq)[names(parq) == "geometry"] <- "Geometry"
st_geometry(parq) <- "Geometry"
parq <- parq[,names(parq_orig), drop = FALSE]
parq %>% str
# export file
file.path(dir_github, "cell_boundaries.parquet")) %>% suppressWarnings()

# OK -> get mols coords ----
# XYZ coords
rowGeometry(sfe_sub) %>% str
rowGeometry(sfe_sub) %>% st_geometry() %>% str
# flip mols coords
txSpots(sfe_sub) %>% st_geometry() %>% st_bbox()
mat_flip <- matrix(c(1,0,0,-1), ncol = 2)
(st_geometry(txSpots(sfe_sub)) * mat_flip) %>% st_bbox
mols <- txSpots(sfe_sub)
st_geometry(mols) <- (st_geometry(mols) * mat_flip)
# crop before convering mols
mols <-
cellSeg(sfe_sub) %>%
st_geometry() %>%
mols %>% str

# convert mols
mols <-
bplapply(rownames(sfe_sub) %>% seq(), function(i) {
mols %>%
dplyr::slice(i) %>%
st_geometry() %>%
st_coordinates() %>% %>%
dplyr::transmute(global_x = X,
global_y = Y,
#global_z = Z,
gene = rownames(sfe_sub)[i])
}, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(12,
tasks = 50L,
force.GC = FALSE,
progressbar = TRUE)
) %>%, .)
mols %>% str

# load original molecule coords
mols_orig <- data.table::fread(file.path(dir_use, "detected_transcripts.csv"))
mols_orig %>% str

# plot 1 molecule
mols %>%
filter(gene == "COL1A2") %>%
ggplot(aes(global_x, global_y)) &
geom_hex(bins = 50)

# filter orginal mols given cropped mols range
bbox_mols <-
mols %>%
select(contains("global")) %>%
apply(., 2, range)
# filter
mols_filt <-
filter(mols_orig %>% mutate(global_y = -global_y),
between(global_x, bbox_mols[1], bbox_mols[2]) &
between(global_y, bbox_mols[3], bbox_mols[4]))
mols_filt %>% str
# join dfs
mols_joined <-
dplyr::inner_join(mols, mols_filt)
mols_joined %>% str
# check range
mols_joined %>%
select(contains("global")) %>%
apply(., 2, range)

# plot 1 molecule for all z-planes
mols_joined %>%
filter(gene == "COL1A2") %>%
ggplot(aes(global_x, global_y, color = global_z)) &
geom_point(shape = 3) &
# add previous plot
# things seem to correspond, woo!

# order vars
mols_joined %<>%
# make y coord positive
mutate(global_y = -global_y) %>%
select(., names(mols_filt))
mols_joined %>% str

# export transcripts coords
data.table::fwrite(mols_joined, file.path(dir_github, "detected_transcripts.csv"))

# OK -> test loading the toy dataset ----
dir_github <- "./vizgen_test_repo/vizgen_cellbound_github/"
# load SFE object
sfe <-
readVizgen(data_dir = dir_github,
z = "all",
z_option = "3d", # this will return XYZ MULTIPOINT for rowGeometiries
sample_id = "vizgen_toy",
min_area = 15,
image = c("DAPI", "PolyT", "Cellbound"),
flip = "geometry", # "image" & "none", "geometry"
max_flip = "50 MB",
filter_counts = TRUE, # keep cells with counts > 0 or not
add_molecules = TRUE,
use_bboxes = FALSE,
#file_out = file.path(dir_use, "detected_transcripts.parquet"),
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(10,
tasks = 50L,
force.GC = FALSE,
progressbar = TRUE)
# normalize raw counts
sfe %<>% logNormCounts()
rowGeometry(sfe) %>% str # XYZ coords

# toy obj
colGeometry(sfe, 1) %>% st_geometry() %>% st_bbox
cellSeg(sfe) %>% st_geometry() %>% st_bbox
txSpots(sfe) %>% st_geometry() %>% st_bbox

# plot it
# Segs
options(repr.plot.height = 5, repr.plot.width = 10)
pl1 <-
plotSpatialFeature(sfe, features = "COL1A2",
size = 4,
#colGeometryName = "centroids",
colGeometryName = "cellSeg",
dark = TRUE,
#scattermore = TRUE, # will plot only centroids!
image_id = "Cellbound2_z3", #"DAPI_z3",
) & Seurat::DarkTheme()

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