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Get the authenticated user profiles

CAS in the cloud LELEU Jérôme edited this page Mar 24, 2022 · 3 revisions

1) Using the exchange.getSecurityContext().getAuthenticatedAccount()

Like for any Undertow web application, you can get the authenticated user via the exchange.getSecurityContext().getAuthenticatedAccount(). If the user is authenticated, the appropriate account will be stored in the context as a Pac4jAccount, on which you can get the main profile (getProfile method) or all profiles (getProfiles method) of the authenticated user:

SecurityContext securityContext = exchange.getSecurityContext();
if (securityContext != null) {
  Account account = securityContext.getAuthenticatedAccount();
  if (account instanceof Pac4jAccount) {
    List<UserProfile> = ((Pac4jAccount) account).getProfiles();

2) Using the ProfileManager

Alternatively, you can get the profile of the authenticated user using the UndertowProfileManager.

>> Read the documentation of the ProfileManager component.

UndertowWebContext context = new UndertowWebContext(exchange);
UndertowSessionStore sessionStore = new UndertowSessionStore(exchange);
ProfileManager manager = new UndertowProfileManager(context, sessionStore);
Optional<UserProfile> profile = manager.getProfile();