Plugin that provides @soundtrack based on the music you're playing on iTunes or Spotify. This plugin works only if you use a Mac. @soundtrack can be used either with code completion or as variable in the file templates.
* @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Mark Paluch</a>
* @soundtrack DJ Outrance - Best of Trance 2013
public class ImportsResource {
- Download the IntelliJ IDEA plugin from (or your favorite IDE).
- To setup @soundtrack in your templates: Open Preferences go to Editor -> File and Code Templates -> Includes and select "File Header".
Add the following code:
#if (${soundtrack} && ${soundtrack} != "")
* @soundtrack ${soundtrack}
Finally: Use IntelliJ IDEA with iTunes or Spotify to generate @soundtrack
Works also with PhpStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm and RubyMine.
- [Apache License 2.0] (
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