An example application to show uses of neo4j ruby gem.
rvm use jruby
gem install bundler
git clone
cd conferenciarails2010
bundle install
edit github-followers.rb and change
USERNAME = "pablete"
GITHUBBERS = ["antoniogarrote", "ppeszko", "malditogeek"]
add some of your favorite githubbers. (note: first time use no more than 5 users)
ruby github-followers.rb
wait for the script to fetch the users
open Gephi app ( open import output/
edit github-repositories.rb and change
USERNAME = "pablete"
GITHUBBERS = ["antoniogarrote", "ppeszko", "malditogeek"]
add some of your favorite githubbers. (note: first time use no more than 5 users)
ruby github-repositories.rb
wait for the script to fetch the users and repositories
open Gephi app ( open import output/
edit github-followers-all.rb and change
USERNAME = "pablete"
GITHUBBERS = ["antoniogarrote", "ppeszko", "malditogeek"]
add some of your favorite githubbers. (note: first time use no more than 5 users)
ruby github-followers-all.rb
wait for the script to fetch the users and repositories
open Gephi app ( open import output/