Beaglebone Blue under ROS2
The project includes the possibility of using the 8 servo outputs provided by the beaglebone blue board, as well as reading data from the MEMS MPU9250 under ROS2 Dashing and Ubuntu 18.04. The ROS2 driver for a generic Linux joystick is used to test the motors.
Due to the architecture of the processor on the beaglebone board, the installation of ROS2 was carried out using a script hosted in the project (ros2_dashing_ubuntu_arm32v7).
- ROS2 Dashing Diademata or Eloquent Elusor.
- Ubuntu 18.04
$ git clone
$ cd ros2_beagle
$ source /home/beagle/ros2_dashing/install/local_setup.bash
$ colcon build
$ source /opt/ros/dashing/setup.bash
$ ros2 run joy joy_node
To launch the nodes independently you can use the following commands as root user for each node respectively.
:/home/beagle/ros2_beagle# source /home/beagle/ros2_dashing/install/local_setup.bash
:/home/beagle/ros2_beagle# source install/local_setup.bash
:/home/beagle/ros2_beagle# ros2 run beagle_io beagle_io_servos
:/home/beagle/ros2_beagle# source /home/beagle/ros2_dashing/install/local_setup.bash
:/home/beagle/ros2_beagle# source install/local_setup.bash
:/home/beagle/ros2_beagle# ros2 run beagle_io beagle_io_imu
To launch the nodes using a ros2 launch file
:/home/beagle/ros2_beagle# source /home/beagle/ros2_dashing/install/local_setup.bash
:/home/beagle/ros2_beagle# source install/local_setup.bash
:/home/beagle/ros2_beagle# ros2 launch beagle_launch