A cloudflare worker for caching Orca data on pools and tokens.
This project uses Cloudflare KV stores to cache data. To work with one you will need to create those first via wrangler CLI tool.
wrangler kv:namespace create <KV_NAMESPACE> [OPTIONS]
and paste the output of this run into the respective part of wrangler.toml
$ wrangler kv:namespace create "MY_KV"
🌀 Creating namespace with title "worker-MY_KV"
✨ Success!
Add the following to your wrangler.toml:
kv_namespaces = [ { binding = "MY_KV", preview_id = "15137f8edf6c09742227e99b08aaf273" } ]
use --env development
and --env production
for [env.development]
and [env.production]
use the --preview
flag for [env.development]
only. preview_id
should be the same as id
you will need to update src/global.d.ts
names with your <KV_NAMESPACE>
to avoid TS errors.
This project uses wrangler CLI tool to run the worker locally or
to publish it to cloudflare. To run it you first need to fill its configuration file wrangler.toml
in the root of the
project as follows:
field for bothdev
environments (those should not be the same)account_id
from Cloudflare workers control panel. Those could be different for production and local development. You need to fill in at least your dev credentials to run it locally. Production credentials are managed through the GitHub environments here.kv_namespaces
See KV stores
Keep in mind that development variables are kept in .dev.vars
. You can create one from .dev.vars.example
You also might want to update the [triggers]
field. This field is used to set the schedule for API calls via the
var. Its value is ["0 13 * * *"]
which means running the script at 1p.m. every day. To see actions faster while
developing locally or to debug use value of ["*/1 * * * *"]
which would run it every minute.
To run the worker locally execute:
wrangler dev --env development
To publish your worker to your dev environment execute:
wrangler publish --env development
To see changes applied locally (in opposite to viewing changes on the Cloudflare control panel) you will also need to
set it specifically (l
key press) while running the dev server. This applies to data written to KV stores or running